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Summary: Ellis falling for someone he shouldn't.

A peasant befriending a noble was unheard of, especially in this little village Ellis lived in. You were the daughter of a lord, your father owned the lands the village was built on. One day, you had visited the village. Your parents and siblings were acting like they were better people than anyone else, scrunching their faces when they saw a horse defecating, but you were a curious one, asking the villagers if all was well and if they needed any help in getting by financially. It was a known fact that your family was incredibly wealthy, in comparison to the king's wealth even. You would have had enough money to get every peasant so rich they wouldn't have to be hungry ever again.

That's when Ellis had met you. You both had been young, barely fourteen, but Ellis immediately took a liking to you. He had thought all nobles were arrogant towards peasants, but you were actually caring about them. It was different, scandalous even. You were a noble woman, and he was a peasant man, but that didn't matter to you. You didn't see a difference between you, you only saw a potential friend. You laughed at his jokes, and that's when he was taken to somewhere of no return.

Your parents, in particular your father wasn't pleased with you being such good friends with a poor peasant. Especially of opposite gender. He had made a lot of talks with you of it being absolutely unacceptable if rumors started spreading of his daughter being courted by a peasant with no noble heritage whatsoever.

Your father had become so furious, he had you locked in the castle for a while, but that didn't scare you. You still visited Ellis after you got out, you didn't care of what people thought. Ellis was the one you cared about, not some rumors.

It went on for five years, before your father visited the village and sought Ellis in his hands. He told him that if Ellis won't stop meeting you, he'll get him into a big trouble. That's when Ellis truly realised how bad the situation could get - and he began to avoid you.

Eventually though, you found out that your father was the reason why Ellis was avoiding you, and you became so angry that you declared that if that's how it's going to be, you'll be giving up all your royal titles because you won't agree to become a snobby lady-in-waiting who doesn't even know how to talk with peasants, and would be married off to another lord or a duke who would be just as controlling as your father.

Ellis had been terrified when he heard about it. He didn't want you to get hurt. And that's when he realised, he had fallen in love with you. Your safety mattered more to him than anything else, and he tried to talk to you, tell you to go back into the castle. But you refused, even though you were a little bit hurt of Ellis saying you didn't belong in the village. You belonged among the nobles, to safety.

But he stood his ground too, trying to hold back tears as he saw yours rolling down your cheeks. He couldn't tell you he had fallen in love with you, you were still a noble and he was a peasant. It wouldn't work. Even if you would be ready for it, it wouldn't work. No matter how much you'd try to be something else, you had been raised in a castle, and you would be in danger in this village.

He didn't want to risk it. But seeing how much you wanted to be among them, how miserable you felt in the castle, made another voice whisper in his ear; what if it would work? What if you'd love him back, you would live happily ever after, you could even run away together.

He didn't know what to do, he didn't want to lose you. But maybe the right answer would come to him over time...

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