Chapter 4

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    You can’t.  The thought of letting Father Gordon go without any clues disgusts you.  The night that Quanisha died is all you can possibly think about.  This is more important than anything.  Quanisha, along with Mr. Talbot, Quanisha’s father, depends on you to find out what really happened three years ago.

    The window whines as you open it, sneaking into the kitchen of the church.  If there is any piece of evidence that was left behind that night, you would find it.  Tonight.  You maneuver your way in the dark and find the door that leads to the worship area with the large altar and rows of pews stacked with bibles in every seat.  There aren’t any candles lit, but the moon filtering inside, enhancing the shadows, makes the atmosphere eerie.  Depending on your ability of intuition, you explore every row until you settle directly over the spot Quanisha died—right in front of the altar.  You could also feel Father Marlow, the priest that Quanisha supposedly killed next to the spot.  He needed answers too.  It leaves you feeling sad, even though you should be angry.  You shake off the feeling and keep looking around, checking behind every curtain, under the furniture, everywhere you can think of.

    There is nothing.  You even go back in the kitchen, but don’t find anything.  Frustration hits you.  If you can’t find any physical evidence, maybe you should confront the source of it all.  Father Brian Gordon.  It’s the only way.  It’s the only thing left that you can think of.

    You go toward his private office, thinking his bedroom has to be near that area, but then your mind starts reeling with dizziness.  Looking around, you see a door, and on it is a sign: Supply closet.  Ahead of you, you hear a door close.  Your heart pounds in your chest.  Panic starts to set in.

    The feeling you’re having is telling you to open the closet, that there might be something important inside, but if a nun is coming or another priest, you may end up going to juvenile hall instead of getting your answers from Father Gordon.  You hear distinct footsteps steadily getting closer.  They sound like new Oxfords on the polished wood floor.  You have to make a quick decision.

. . . . .

If you decide to open the door, go to Chapter 5.

If you decide to hide and then go find Father Gordon, go to Chapter 21.

A Smile to Hide (CYOA/WWYFF)Where stories live. Discover now