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This is just a quick introduction on how to read this story, because I know there are some people out there who might have never encountered a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story or Who Would You Fall For story before, so this is to help those readers out, as well as to let you know that I’ve set up two more rules while reading this story.

First off, a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story is a story where you get to choose a path of where the story goes.  You could choose door A, door B, or door C, and they all should be different and lead down in a different direction.  On the internet, these paths or more often individual chapters.  door A could lead to chapter 5, while door B could be chapter 60, and door C could go backwards to chapter 2.  In other words, you don’t read CYOA like a traditional book from one page to the next, to the next, and to the next in that chronological order.  You go backwards, forwards, to the very end, back to the beginning and every other direction by following the directions, which are very simple.

If you choose to go through door A, go to chapter 5.

If you choose to go through door B, go to chapter 60.

If you choose to go through door C, go to chapter 2.

Sometimes there will be three choices, sometimes two, maybe even four; additionally there may be only a single choice because that particular chapter is a bridge, but that’s not something important for you readers, so don’t worry about it.

As for the Who Would You Fall For genre, while is still considered interactive, it’s quite different from reading CYOA, but it’s still relatively simple to read.  Think of it like an Otome/Dating game.  Certain answers will win you points to a certain male, which there would be two or more of.  During the story-telling parts there will be a variety of multiple choice sets for you to answer from, and at the end of the chapter comes the results.  If you chose mostly A’s, you get to read about Character A.  If you chose mostly B’s, you get to read about Character B.  You’re “supposed” to only read your result, but it’s no big deal if you want to read all of them.

And there you have it.  If it’s still confusing on how to read CYOA or WWYFF, be sure to let me know so I can clear it up.  Now onto this story’s specific additional rules.

1.  In the multiple choice sets, you are allowed up to two answer choices per set.  I’m trying to incorporate a wider range of personality, and I know all of us will have mixed reactions to certain situations, so if not one answer is spot on to yours, you can choose an additional answer.

2.  Be sure to record every single answer you’ve chosen throughout the story.  It will be important in the end when it comes to your ending with a love interest.  I know that I mix letters with the results almost every chapter, so organize it somehow so it’s clear who you’ve been consistently choosing by character name instead of letters, and keep this up for the story.  Not every ending will be a happy one, and not all of the love interests may love you back.

That’s it.  I know the second one may be demanding, but this way it’ll be interesting.

A Smile to Hide (CYOA/WWYFF)Where stories live. Discover now