Book Smarts

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N rushed into the colony library, his breath panting out of panic. He didn't bother to close the door or even attempt to be quiet, much to the chagrin of the librarian demanding his silence.

Flying frantically around the library, he rapidly grabbed books from every aisle and read through them so fast that the pages nearly tore from their leathery prisons. He wouldn't usually read like this but he had no time to wait. His bestie was in danger.

Ever since the colony had accepted the Murder Drones inside, no doubt due to N's fantastic "I'm sowy" drawings, N had become obsessed with the local library. He would spend hours reading through books in the fiction section, pleasantly trapping himself within the worlds of fantasy, fairy tales and romance.

It wasn't uncommon for Uzi to have to drag him out by force. He couldn't help losing track of time reading books. Sure, with him being an advanced robot, he could speed read an entire book in less than ten seconds but he found no joy in it. Why rush through something you enjoy?

Well, when your friend has been subject to a curse, you don't have the luxury to relax. It had all been a normal day. N was on his way to the library once again, occasionally watching a Worker Drone flee in needless terror, when Vee came running. Flinching in anticipation of a slap or punch, N found himself far more terrified by what he saw rather than what he felt.

Vee was scared. Her eyes were wide and her breathing was heavy, her legs shaking as he grabbed N's shoulders to support herself.

'It's Uzi! She – She's gone crazy!' She cried.

N didn't even hesistate. He flew straight towards Uzi's room with enough force to knock down every poor Worker Drone walking down the hallways. Within half a minute, he had found Uzi walking out of her residence with her arms hugging her stomach.

'Uzi!' N called. 'Vee said that you'd...gone...'

N's voice trailed off as Uzi raised her hand.

'N...I...I've been...CURSED!' Uzi choked out, coughing and appearing feint. 'I don't long I-' She dropped to her knees as her head drooped.

'Uzi?' N asked. He went to reach out to Uzi before her head suddenly shot up, revealing a wicked smile and dark shadows under her eyes.

'MUHAHAHA!! You're too late, N! I've taken poor little Uzi's mind and she is all gone! HAHAHAHAAAAH! And there's nothing you can do about it!' Before N could even respond to Dark Uzi's rambles, she rushed into her house and slammed the door leaving N stunned as Vee ran up behind him.

'Okay...I got a plan!' Vee began, lifting up a chain as she spoke. 'You pin her down, I'll tie her up and then we'll stab her until dead! Kay? Kay!'

Before she could run in after Uzi, N grabbed Vee's hand to stop her.

'No. I got an idea. Just wait here, okay?' N didn't wait for a response. Before Vee could speak, he was already on the way to his initial destination.

Uzi had been cursed, seemingly possessed by an evil spirit, so N figured that the cure to such dark magic was found within the fairy tales that included them. After he saved Uzi, he was going to relish the fact that reading those stories was actually a good thing and did NOT make him a baby like Vee relentlessly teased him for.

Leaving colourfully illustrated books scattered across the carpeted floors, N smiled as he found the cure he was looking for and, fortunately for him, he wouldn't have to go far to test his theory.

'N!' Dark Uzi's voice echoed across the library. The librarian responded by giving up their crusade towards silence and face planting their desk. N flew towards her and planted himself atop a table before her. He could see Vee chained up behind her.

'N, RUN! You can't defeat her!' Vee stressed.

'Don't worry, Uzi! I can save you!...I think.' N said.

'Hey! I'm the one in jeopardy here! Save me, idiot!' Vee shouted, her jealousy being apparent to all except the Murder Drone she was directing it towards.

'Save me? HAH! Didn't you hear me before? Your friend is gone!' Dark Uzi taunted.

N didn't respond, instead only walking towards the evil Worker Drone in a calm manner. To both Uzi and Vee's immense surprise, N wrapped his arms around Uzi's waist and embraced her. The darkness under Uzi's eyes couldn't hide the blush that enveloped her face, only growing stronger as N's tail began to wrap around her.

'N?! Um-uhh...What...What are you-' Uzi's question was left unfinished as she felt N's metal lips lock with hers. She could feel her shock fade as her eyes gently closed in acceptance, her body falling limp in N's arms like a scene from a romantic movie. All the while, Vee looked N with her jaw figuratively touching the floor.

'Uzi?' N asked as he pulled back his mouth from Uzi's but he had no response.

'N. I think, just maybe, you broke Uzi.' Vee spoke up, gesturing towards Uzi's limp body.

N felt rather proud of himself. As he carried Uzi back to her bed, he thought about how he was able to save both Uzi and Vee. He made sure to tell Vee all about how those "baby" stories that Vee mocked him for reading was the key to his plan. Still, even with his success, he made sure to stay with Uzi until she woke as Vee stepped out.

She was still stunned. She hadn't expected this day to turn out like this. Her confusion was so palpable that even N's bragging couldn't annoy through it.

'Hey, is Uzi home?' asked a familiar voice. It was Thad, rocking a pair of aviator shades despite being indoors. He met no response from Vee. 'Hell-ooooo?'

'Ugh! Yes, she's in. What's it to you?'

'Oh, I just heard she turned evil or sumthin. Thought it sounds rad.' Thad explained, firing off two finger-guns in Vee's direction. Vee merely facepalmed.

'For the love of- Thad! Do you seriously think Uzi had "turned evil" out of the blue? Robo-Jesus, of course only you and N are dumb enough to fall for that!'

In response to Thad's visible puzzlement, Vee elaborated the truth to him. It was just a prank that she and Uzi had, in a rare instance, agreed upon. Vee suspected that N would use some dumb fairytale trope to try and "save" Uzi. She wanted to break his interest in such silly stories. N's a murder drone. Vee thought that he should act like one, not a small child. Those damn pictures were bad enough. She had to work overtime to scare enough Drones into letting them in!

Vee internally groaned at how her plan had backfired. Now it would be far more difficult to convince N to ignore those stories when he supposedly had proof that they tell the truth. That love triumphs over all. That friendship is magic and that dreams come true.

'What a joke.' Vee remarked. She peeked her head inside to check on the pair. She found N holding Uzi's hand in concern, quietly calculating the best god to pray to so that Uzi will wake up, while completely oblivious to the mascara makeup applied under her eyes. Vee's expression shifted into an envious look.

'That should be me, damnit.'

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