Chapter 3- January 5th, 1921

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Chapter 3- January 5th,1921

    Juniper woke up with a sharp pain waving throughout her entire body. The light of the room stung her eyes and made her body tense up causing her to be in more pain. When her eyes finally adjusted she saw that she was in her room, covered in wires and attached to medical equipment that was set up everywhere around her bed. She looked down at her legs and saw Clause asleep in a chair by the foot of her bed and her mother and father speaking to a man she hadn't seen before right outside her doorway. When she tried to speak, her throat was so dry and raw that she could only squeak out a small noise. When her parents heard the noise they rushed over to Juniper and saw that her eyes were open and she was conscious again.
"Oh my sweet Juniper, are you feeling okay?" Her mother asked , grabbing her daughter's hand gently. Clause shot up out of the chair he was sleeping only a few moments before and walked over to his cousin's side. Juniper tried to speak but her voice would not come out.
"Its okay Juniper, you don't have to say a word. '' Her father said, looming over her mothers shoulder looking at his only daughter with care.
"Everyone is so worried about you," Her mother said, squeezing her hand. Juniper had never had affection from her parents growing up and getting it now felt wrong and gross to her.
"I think we should let her rest. '' Her father said, walking away from her bedside. Everyone then walked away and out of the door leaving Juniper all alone in her big bed surrounded by medical equipment that saved her life.

   The next Morning Juniper found that she had the ability to speak again but with the consequence of pain stinging in her chest where her lungs were. The doctor who was taking care of her alerted the family and her grandfather and father arrived in Juniper's room.
"Do you know who could have done this to you?" Her grandfather asked coldly.
"No grandfather." Juniper said, avoiding his eyes.
"Doctor Rynald, Have you identified the type of poison that caused my darling granddaughter's sickness that almost caused her to perish?" Mr.Goliath questioned harshly.
"Yes Sir, it was strychnine. Someone must have mixed it into her water or food at breakfast. It's usually fast acting but in her case the poison was modified to attack the body slowly and silently. It comes from a plant in Asia so they would have had to buy it from someone" The doctor replied quickly.
"No no, we have the plants in one of our gardens, My belated mother was intrigued by deadly beauties" Replied Juniper's father in deep thought.
"Juniper, do you remember anything leading up to your fall?" Her father asked, pushing for an answer that might help them get a lead.
"No sir, Clause walked me to my room after we were outside so I could get ready for lunch. We got into a tiff and I walked into my room and closed my door. I suddenly felt sick. The last memory I have is falling and hitting my head" Juniper said, trying to recall the hazy memory. Suddenly Juniper's head began to sting from where the gash on her forehead was causing her to wince in pain.
"I think she might need some more rest, gentlemen. She's still recovering from her fall and the poison is still not flushed from her system which means she's not out of the possibility of her body shutting down on her again."Said Dr. Rynald walking to the door to escort the men out.
"Yes, we need to figure out who did this anyway. It was a direct attack to the family which no one is going to take lightly", Her father replied. The men quickly left the room leaving Juniper in silence.

Juniper closed her eyes and allowed herself to sink into the darkness of her thoughts. When Juniper opened her eyes again she was gifted with a pleasant surprise. There were flowers and cards surrounding her bed along with a few of her cousins sitting in chairs by her side.
"Oh did we wake you?" Asked one of her youngest cousins.
"No no. What is all this" She asked, trying to sit up.
"Well no one knew what had happened to you besides your parents, grandfather, Clause, and the eldest Baldwin boy. Everyone started to assume you either ran away or you died somehow and they were trying to cover it up. But tonight at dinner grandfather announced what had happened to you. Everyone was so worried and upset and so we all decided to bring you some gifts." Juniper was surprised by her family's kindness. She had known the Goliaths as cold selfish people as she had been taught growing up.
"Wait, how did Clause and Killian Baldwin know and no one else?" Juniper questioned.
"They were the ones that found you." One of her cousins replied.
"Killian and his younger brother Peter were here to visit for the afternoon.  And when you did not show up for lunch they grew worrisome, so Killain and our older cousin went looking for you and eventually found you here."
"Other families also sent you flowers and gifts"
Juniper and her younger cousins talked for what felt like hours until finally Doctor Rynald had to push them all out of the door so could perform more tests.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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