calriya = bad

108 1 7

I HATE THIS SHIP WITH MY HEART! But there's one thing that I hate the fucking most and that is that Priya thinks Caleb's trauma is worse than hers. All his was homework that apparently never stopped. Even though he's buff asf. Meh I think it's plastic surgery but that's me. Anyways CALEB HOW IS ALMOST DYING FUN?! HOW ARE YOUR PARENTS TOO MUCH?! THEY WANT WHAT WHATS BEST FOR YOU!!!! Anyway it should be Damien going to M.I.T or whatever it's called because it's for science. Anyway Caleb and Priya how do I say this nicely- HOMEWORK IS BETTER THAN HAVING TO WAKE UP AND TRAIN AND HAVING TO DODGE DEATH!!!!

Also why is does this ship even exist. When I saw them kiss I was internally dying. Why you wonder. Cause it's simple. As an Australian (idk about any other countries who are like this so ummmm yeah) you become an adult we turn 18. I headcanon Caleb as 18 even before all this shit. And then Priya's like 14-15 which makes Caleb a you know what


Yeah. Also they have no chemistry soooooo

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