Chapter 1

93 5 8

||Choi Yeonjun is 16 and Kang Taehyun is 25||

» [Let the light in]
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
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6:50 AM, Kang Taehyun enters his classroom, greeted by emptiness. School started at 8:30 AM so he unpacked his necessities and sat down in his chair to work on grading. While grading, he realizes one student is doing very poorly in his class. Yeah, other students are failing, but this specific student is doing worse. Of course, it was Choi Yeonjun. The worst student in Mr. Kang's class.

Yeonjun didn't care about the work. He never did his homework. He didn't even bother to do the projects. But yet he's still managing to proceed on going to the next grade. 'When will this boy bring up his grades instead of listening to music in class...?' Taehyun sighed and sent an email to Yeonjun's mom, notifying her about her son.

Soon, it was already 8:30 so Taehyun opened the door and allowed everyone in. Once all students settled down, he spoke.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning, Mr. Kang" Everyone except for Yeonjun, said in sync. Taehyun glanced at Yeonjun for a second then spoke again.

"So this morning I graded your tests from yesterday. Sad to say that most of you failed. I'm not going to say who since you already know who you are but I'm expecting you guys to bring up your grade this semester. I believe that all of you guys can be successful when you all grow up"

Yeonjun knew that Mr. Kang was talking about him. It didn't bother him though. Yeonjun never had faith in himself. He just went with what he wanted.

"I'm going to write a couple of names on the board. If you see your name, please come visit me after class."

Han Jisung
Oh Seungmin
Huening Kai

"As I said, please come visit me after class and I'll help you improve"


As the class went on, Yeonjun sat back in his chair and continued to listen to his music. The school was not that important to him. Various types of music genres were playing through his headphones, like rap or the sad depressing type shit. "Choi Yeonjun. Take off those headphones and take down notes. They'll be important for the test that's coming up in a few weeks. This test will be open note so if you don't have anything on your paper, I suggest you should start writing"

Yeonjun stuck up the middle finger and went back to listening to music. "Yeonjun! Get out this instant! Go to the principal's office" "How about, no." Students went silent. Everyone was so focused on this drama. Mr. Kang took a deep breath and slammed the desk. "Get out, now! He shouted. "Every damn day I have to put up with your stuff! Yeonjun do you think I get paid enough to deal with this?"

Before Yeonjun could answer, Taehyun spoke for him. "No! I dont! I didn't go to school and get my teacher's degree just to babysit this 16-year-old boy who doesn't care about school. Why even bother coming to school if you don't care, Choi? Hm?"

Now Yeonjun was embarrassed. This has never happened to him before. "I suggest you should get out, Yeonjun"

Yeonjun got up from his seat and left. "Now class, what you saw there was a great example of why you should pay attention in class instead of goofing off" Mr. Kang cleared his throat and went back to teaching.


Meanwhile, Yeonjun is sitting in the principal's office, waiting for his mom to arrive so she can talk with the principal. When she arrived, her expression was not pleasurable. "Choi Yeonjun! What on earth am I doing here?! Your only job is to go to school, get good grades, behave well, and graduate! It's not that hard. Now I'm here just to talk to the principal about your disgusting behavior"

"Mrs. Choi, your son has been sent to the principal's office constantly due to his behavior. We just wanna know if you're aware of this" "Im not aware of this. At home, he may act out a bit but that's it. May I know what he was been doing?"

"Well, today he flipped off his teacher and was disrespectful by not paying attention to the lecture and saying rude things towards the teacher" Yeonjun's mom looked at her son, whose head was down. She whispered into his ear. "Once we get home, I'm beating your ass, AND your writing an apology to your teacher and principal for dealing with your shit"

Long story short, Yeonjun wrote an apology only for Mr. Kang.

"Dear Mr. Kang, I'm sorry for my behavior. I can assure you that I will change the way I act. I will be kinder and pay attention in class. I'm sorry for all the times I've been disrespectful towards you and your lectures. I hope you can forgive me.
       P.S, I need to talk to you after class 🤫💋

Sincerely, Choi Yeonjun"

Mr. Kang and Mr. Troublemaker ||Taejun|| 🎧Where stories live. Discover now