I found my wolf

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Hey guys hope I can gets some s over some time and enjoy the story when I get started cause right now I'm really tired and gotta get to sleep.

🎀Christals POV🎀
"Come on mum can you please get rid of the alarm clock!!" I yelled as the alarm went off at its loudest and woke me up in mid sleep.
I just had to have this life don't I.
I dragged my butt out of bed and put some jeans and a shirt on.
"Christal come down now!! Your breakfast is ready! And don't forget it's the last day of school so you better look your best!!"
I had the biggest grin on my face after I heard that. The last day of school. Thank god it's going to be over soon.
When I went down for breakfast I put my toast on the floor for the dog and grabbed my bag as I left.
As I walked to school I remembered that my ex Jason is at school. He's a horrible person. I can't believe I dated him but we're over so I hope he leaves me alone.
I got into school and already had at least five guys trying to flirt with me. I seriously can't stand this anymore.
" back. Off. Understand. That. "
I think they got the message because they started to back off and leave me alone.
I love how that always work. All the guys are scared of me because I beat up the so called hottest guy in school. Like I'll ever believe any of that crap.
I walked to my locker and got my lock out of my bag. My locker is a little rusty so it took a while to open it but it opened in its own time.
" Hey Christie how ya doin." Jason said as he walked up to me in a little strut
"Im doing fine now LEAVE ME ALONE!!"
The whole hall went silent. How did I do that? I've never yelled like that.
" how did your eyes change colour like that?" He said it in almost a scared voice with a little shiver in it.
" I don't know." I then continued getting my books and all my other stuff, then I walked to the classroom while everyone was staring at me as if I was some kind of animal.
I got to class a little early but at least people aren't staring at me. I was really offended by that and I felt like punching them in the stoumach but I held that urge back because I don't think I want to see the principal again.
I waited and waited until the rest of the class and the teacher walked in. As usual a few people came in late but the teacher never really cared about those people.
" okay get your books out please and start copying all the sentences from page 143 in your text book."
I guess I've had enough of this in my time here but at least it's not math.
I wrote my fastest to try to finish it quickly but my hands seemed to be a little shaky. Oh well. I tried my best.
This is going to be the worst day.
'Christal can you hear me?' The voice was in my head but very quiet and squeaky.
" yeah I am."
Everybody stared at me like I was a lunatic and I realised that I had just said that out loud.
'I am your wolf. When you got mad today and yelled, that was me. When your eyes changed colour that was me. I'm sorry about that. But remember talk in your head not aloud silly.'
I snickered at that but still listened to everything she said.
'why are you in my head though?' I asked and was surprised that I could hear my voice echoing in my head.
'well you can transform into a wolf whenever you want. I'm that wolf and we're basically one person so I have to have an opinion on things as well.' I was surprised but also excited that I can transform into a wolf. It's going to be so much fun!!
" Christal are you listening?" The teacher shouted to me. I almost fell out of my seat because when I was zoning out I didn't realise that the teacher was watching me.
" Christal unless you want to go to the principals office you better do your work." She always has that evil grin on her face when she gets me in trouble. Well I'll just have to listen to her.
" sorry miss I'll do my work." I said it in an exaggerated voice but I don't think she noticed because she continued her teaching. When I knew she was looking away I zoned out for a minute to talk to my wolf again.
" I'll have to talk to you later but before that what's your name?"
'my names Axel.'It's a beautiful name and I'm surprised that a wolf can talk and have a name.
'okay I'll talk to you later Axel.'
'talk to you later Christal.'

The alpha fell for meDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora