Chapter 10: thats not Axels voice!!

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Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating much. School just started again for me and its actually not as bad as I thought it would be. Thanks for waiting guys. I just got a new phone and I'm writing another story on there. My username is GraceTheNerdyMister. My stories called human snakes if you want to read it and I'm able to get pictures up on that account. Plz read my other story!! It would mean a lot. Thnx guys.

🎀 Christals POV 🎀
But how could that happen? I only have Axel. Could there be someone else in my head?
" when did it happen?" She was still frozen in fear but stood up straight and tried to cover it up.
" right when you came into the house. Your eyes were almost bright red and specks of blue." I then felt a painful feeling in my head.
'Don't worry you'll be fine. I'll tell you everything after.' The moment before I blacked out I realised that that wasn't Axels voice.
When I woke up I was in the pack doctor room. The pack doctor was shining a little light in my eye to make sure I was fine.
I sat up and found I had pulled a few things attached to me out.
' hi I'm jade. I know your very confused but I'm a spirit of a jaguar. The moon goddess sent me to you for no good reason. But now your half tiger and half jaguar. Good luck with controlling both of us.'
What the hell moon goddess!! I didn't need any of this tiger crap and now you give me a jaguar as well?!
' I'm a bit offended but you know I would of said the same if I were in your shoes so don't worry.' Whoops. That's right. They can hear everything i think.
' your gonna be having alot of black outs for the next week because I'm trying to take space in your mind and I was randomly put here so that's gonna take a lot of changing as well. I'm sorry that all of this is happening to you but it's all for good purpose.' Wait, what does she mean by good purpose? The moon goddess must of given all this power to me for a reason.
Then I blacked out.
When I opened my eyes I was in a meadow. The grass was the greenest it could get and there was a lady in a long white and black robe standing not very far away from me. Well of course I'm in a dream. But who's that lady there? Could it be the moon goddess?
" sorry for reading your thoughts but yes I am the moon goddess and I'm here to tell you some important news. I have been giving you all this power for a reason. There is going to be an attack from the one we do not speak of. He will be attacking all wolves and wiping them out. I saw something in you and I want you to be the one to kill him." I stood confused taking all this in. So she chose me to kill evil? But why me?
" who is he?" I asked as I was still processing what she told me.
" he is like me but pure evil. Over all this time he has been creating an evil army. He is coming and very soon. We need all the power we can get.
"Why does it have to be me? I'm not special in any way. I don't want anything to do with this."
"No. Your wrong. There is power and strength in you. You are the chosen one."
Then I woke up and saw that i was in the same room with Abel holding my hand.
"You blacked out. I walked in and found you and I thought you were hurt." He looked hurt. Man he takes this seriously. But he needs to know I'm fine.
"Iii mm..." I couldn't speak. It's like something was stopping me.
"Are you okay? christa..." I blacked out yet again from feeling such extreme pain. It was coming from my head. Whats happening? Is Jade okay?
When I woke up I was on the floor and there were people staring at me in fear.
Wait, I'm not in control! Who is?
'Jade!! What are you doing!? Those are my friends and family!! Don't hurt them!!' I saw that Jade had bitten someone's arm. And wait... That's Abels arm!!
'Jade. Stop.' She instantly stopped and backed away from Abel.
'I'm sorry. They just walked up to me and my instincts told me to bite.'
'To bite my mate?! Seriously! You should know he's your mate from his scent.'
'I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me.'
'It's okay. But one question, where's Axel?'
'She's just in the back of your head. She's listening to everything we say too. She can take over if she wants too. I can't stop her.'
'Okay. Good. I was just making sure she's okay.'
'I snapped out of it and found everyone trying to help Abel up and he had fear in his eyes. I was so into talking with Jade for the first time that I forgot that Jade just bit Abels arm!!
"Oh gosh I can't do this." I ran out of the room scared because of how they looked at me. It just scared me.
'You know what! I don't care. They'll see me running away and they'll see a jaguar. They'll never catch up to me and they'll understand.
I ran out the door and shifted to Jade I heard Abel behind me and I turn around and growled.
'Leave me alone. I don't need you right now.' I blocked him from the mind link then kept running into the woods.

The alpha fell for meOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant