chapter one

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wooyoung slowly opened his eyes, lashes fluttering slightly at the light that dared to interrupt his precious beauty sleep. today they would have yet another fansign, and as excited as he was to meet ATINY, he really did wish he could sleep just a few minutes more. folding the comforter over and rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, he crawled out of bed and to his bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. sighing softly at the loss of any chance of falling back asleep, wooyoung prepared himself to meet the members for breakfast.

just as he was about to turn the doorknob to walk out into the hallway, a knock sounded from the other side, followed by a soft "wooyoungie? are you awake yet?"

deciding it would be more than rude to ignore who he immediately knew was san, he replied with a tired "yes, sannie, i'm awake. good morning," and with that he opened the door, shocking san who was standing pressed up against the door to hear wooyoung better. he would've fallen onto wooyoung, actually, had he not caught himself on the doorframe, leaving them in the most cliche k-drama pose ever, with san leaning over wooyoung. just a little further, he thought, and they would kiss...but no, no, they couldn't do that! last time two members of ATEEZ had pulled a stunt like that the whole group ended up suffering.

       seonghwa and yeosang had seemed to have mutual crushes on each other, and so they dated (though they kept it a secret from ATINY, of course). it was fine for awhile, as most relationships are, but when they broke up all hell broke loose. with wooyoung constantly comforting yeosang and hongjoong constantly comforting seonghwa, there was barely any time for them to practice. because of that, they overworked themselves during the times when they did have time. after that whole disaster everything went back to normal, thankfully. but even before that, hongjoong and mingi had dated briefly, and had an amicable breakup even though their relationship was incredibly toxic (surprising, considering how kind they both are). and at the present there was no drama, thank namjesus. seonghwa and hongjoong were in a loving relationship and had been so for just over a year, their one-year anniversary having been about two weeks ago. so all is well in the ATEEZ dorms, and it'd be best to keep it that way.

      "san...sannie, are you there?" wooyoung lightly knocked on the side of san's head as if it was a door, asking "anyone home?" and when san didn't answer even after that, seemingly lost in his thoughts, wooyoung leaned in close to san's ear and whispered "'s time for breakfast, jagiya..." and with that san was brought back to consciousness with a little shake of his head.

       "yeah, woo, i'm here. let's go to breakfast, hmm?" said san, holding out his arm for wooyoung to take with a soft smile.

       wooyoung giggled a bit as san's cheesy gesture, taking his arm as they walked downstairs to the kitchen where seonghwa and hongjoong were cooking, with yunho and yeosang sitting at the counter, eagerly awaiting the food. wooyoung trailed his hand down san's arm until it reached his hand, where he intertwined their fingers, gave his hand a little squeeze before letting go and walking over to yeosang.

      following wooyoung (as usual), san approached the counter before turning to yunho to inquire about the whereabouts of the others. mingi was still sleeping, he said, and jongho was changing. humming for a second as he thought about what to do, san stood up and walked upstairs to mingi's room, where he knocked on the door twice before quietly turning the doorknob, tip-toeing to the window and yanking the curtains open, successfully waking the sleeping giant. he then speed-walked to the door, closed it behind him and ran downstairs before mingi could destroy him and his entire bloodline for waking him up too early. after approximately five seconds of calm, the expected "choi san, i will murder your sorry ass" rang through the dorms. hongjoong sighed, muttering something about how the members will always act like five year olds to seonghwa, before continuing to cook.

       "hey, he's awake, isn't he?" san said with a slight smirk, to which seonghwa replied "yeah, he's awake, with the sacrifice of your, i quote, 'sorry ass'"

_~* *~_

       later that day at the fansign, the members of ATEEZ were seated at the table, meeting fan after fan. fansigns were tireless, as most of the fans seemed to be genuine people who were excited to meet their idols. but then there were the select few that were either perverts, sasaengs or so-called 'fans' that didn't know a thing about ATEEZ besides their beloved bias. and wooyoung, being the luckiest member of the pervert!

now, it wasn't that bad at first. a few invasive questions like "what color is your underwear" or "what do you get off to" to which wooyoung answered with "i'm sorry, i don't really feel like answering that..." and then this 'fan' got angry. he leaned across the table, encroaching on wooyoung's personal space, and got so close wooyoung could feel his breath on his ear, whispering "you'd better listen to what i say, bitch, or you can bet i'll reveal all of your dirty little secrets to your company." wooyoung had absolutely no idea what this man meant by 'dirty little secrets' but he certainly didn't want to find out. san was still sitting next to him, so wooyoung just slowly reached his hand over to san, lightly tapping his thigh to get his attention without alerting this 'fan' that was way too close to wooyoung's face. and san, oh, lovely san, looked over and immediately grabbed wooyoung's shoulder to pull him into a hug, whispering "are you okay, woo? i saw how close he was to you, did he do anything else?"

"i'm alright, sannie," he whispered back, "he just asked me a few uncomfortable questions and threatened me when i didn't answer them."

"threatened you??? woo, you can't just blow this off, are you really okay? what'd he say? wait, actually, come with me for a sec," san says quietly, standing up to lead wooyoung backstage to talk.

once they were backstage, san sat down and pulled wooyoung into his lap, where he turned towards san and wrapped his arms around his neck for a hug.

"he said if i didn't listen to him, he'd spill all my 'dirty little secrets' to the company," wooyoung mumbled against san's neck. "but i've got no idea what he means by 'dirty little secrets', sannie."

"well, wooyoung, i have no more of a clue than you do, but i'll be here for you anyways, okay?" san said softly, looking at wooyoung in his lap and lightly kissing the top of his head.

"okay, san-ah. thank you..." wooyoung pulled back from where he was snuggled into san's neck to give him a kiss on the cheek as thanks, before returning to his previous position and mumble-announcing that he was going to take a nap.

"woo- there's still a fansign going on, we can't just ditch..." san said, but was met with silence. it seems wooyoung had already fallen asleep.


first chapter done! (lucky wooyoung for sleeping so fast, it's 1:04 AM where i am and i'm writing because i can't sleep...)

hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter!

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