chapter two

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       three weeks later, the members were preparing to go to practice as usual. san had been feeling a little off that morning, but figured it was just sleepiness, so he just drank an extra cup of coffee and went on his way.

       crammed into the back of the van with the other members, it was almost so comfortable san would've fallen asleep had he not drank so much coffee that morning. it was odd, though, how comfortable he was, when they were literally all so close that he could feel jongho's breath on his shoulder. he brushed it off, though, and soon they were at the company.

       it was time for dance practice - his favorite part of the day. the members always said he used his hips too much while dancing, but he knew they secretly loved it. adds a little flair to the performance, you know?

       a few minutes later they started dancing - their eight bodies moving in sync as if they were just one. glancing in the mirror, he saw wooyoung staring at him, looking...worried? san looked back at his own reflection, noticing a few beads of sweat roll down his face. he closed his eyes and tried to focus on the dance, putting all his energy into perfecting every single move in the choreography. opening his eyes again, he continued dancing. then the room started spinning, black spots dotting across his vision as his arms flailed around for something to grab onto. finding nothing, his knees finally collapsed and his vision went black, falling to the ground with a light thump.

_~* *~_

       watching from a few feet back, wooyoung had been staring at san since the beginning of practice. it was no surprise to anyone when wooyoung was the first to notice san's slight stumble. the second he saw san's steps wavering, he rushed over, still lightly mimicking the dance moves with his hands so he could keep dancing if san turned out to be fine. san did not, in fact, turn out to be fine, and wooyoung just barely supported his head before he fell to the floor.

_~* *~_

       ", san! sannie, wake up, please...why'd you pass out? sannieee~," a voice whined, sounding like they were just moments from starting to cry. he awoke suddenly, ignoring the pain in his limbs and sitting up to wrap his arms around the crying wooyoung-shaped blob.

       "wooyoung, baby, don't cry...i'm fine, see?" he raised his arms, took wooyoung's hands in his and cupped the boy's face with them.

       "no, you're not! you're clearly not fine if you passed out during dance practice..." once wooyoung was done talking, san looked around the room, noticing the other members standing off to the side awkwardly, as if they were trying to give the two some space.

       seonghwa carefully made his way over, asking if san was okay like the caring mother figure he is. replying with a quick "yes, i think so," he turned back to wooyoung who was now letting a few tears slip town his cheeks.

       "young-ah, why're you crying? i told you i'm fine." wooyoung whined in response, wiping his tears, "but you're clearly not, if you were sick enough to pass out! seonghwa, aren't i right? shouldn't he at least rest, if not go to the doctor??"

       "ah...yes, that's true...hongjoong, can you talk to the manager for a second and ask if we can bring san to the doctor, see if we can cancel the rest of today's practice, please?" hongjoong, being the dutiful boyfriend he is, left the room to go find their manager. "the rest of you can go back to the dorms or just have an off day if you want, but you're welcome to come with us to the doctor's if san's alright with it."

       san was, in fact, alright with it, and so the seven of them (excluding hongjoong who was still talking to the manager but would come later) headed to the doctor's office. wooyoung, of course, was still clinging to san as if he'd disappear if he let go for even a second.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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