Issac and Devyn after he pulled a gun on isi becsau im bored as fuck

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im so fucking bored and have nothing to do so have say gex


"omgosh thank you for defending me babe" Issac said while walking with Devyn who somehow didn't get in trouble for pulling a gun on some girl in the MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING SCHOOL YET I GET IN TROUBLE FOR MAKING MEMES ABOUT A TEACHER THE FUCK?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

"No problem. Her ass was annoying anyways like be so fr with those red plaid pyjamma pants and that unbrushed blonde hair like ew." Devyn said back, gagging when mentioning Isabe- I MEAN isi's hair. Actually, ima just call hewr whatever the fuck she's knocked out anyways BAHAHAHAHAH giving me on the bridge.

Issac pulled his SMEXY bf Devyn in for a kiss and they made out in the middle of the hallway. Luckily everyone was in class so they didn't see that yaoi and the hillbilly kids weren't like "eRm gOd mAdE tWo GeNdErS fOr A rEaSoN" like bitch they ain't hurting you just leave them alone. 

"Wanna go to the janitors closet?" Issac asked. Devyns boner intensified as he knew what he was implying holy fuck what am i writing it's 1 am i should be asleep djjfskjsdh. Devyn nodded with a smirk. 

They starting making out like really hard once they got to the janitors closet. Devyn pushed Issac into the wall cuz issacs a little twink.

"Holy fucking Shiot Devyn just fuck me already~" Issac moaned.

"In a second babe, jeez you can be so needy." Devyn teased, while kissing Issacs neck and giving him little hickeys. 

and then they buttfucked in the janitors closet and they nearly got caught by the teachers but the teachers are like npcs from pokemon and can only turn 90 degrees at a time so they got away with it the end because i started this like 2 days ago and forgor about it byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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