Chapter 16

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Natasha's POV

I turned on my face mask and i looked in the mirror. I looked just like the Councilwoman Hawley. I left the bathroom and back to the other council member. 'Act like a council woman, you'll be fine' I told myself. Alexander Peire was showing us around then when we got to the council room I heard soft crying from behind a desk. I slowly walked away from the group and headed to the desk. There was to solider's standing by the desk.

"Excuse me men," I said.

"Sorry ma'am we aren't aloud to let you past this point, Agent Peire's orders," one of them said.

I kicked one in the wrong spot and I caught me before he hit the ground and set him down. I looked over my shoulder and no one had noticed what I was doing. "Help" I heard and I walked to the other side of the desk and saw a little girl. She was weak and had blood and tear stains across her body and clothes, not to mention that he clothes were torn. I had to look twice before I realized that it was Molly, I turned of my face mask and smiled at her, she returned with a very weak smile.

"One second," I said and cut her lose cut her lose.

She rubbed her wrists and hugged me.

"You-You have- have to st-stop them," she stuttered.

"We will sweetheart. You have to stay hear and stay quite until I come get you ok," I said.

She nodded and I walked back to the back of the group. I reached for my gun and shot the guards. The council members fell to the ground and I pointed my gun at Peirce. He put his hands up and guards circled me. I turned off my mask and smiled at his surprised expression.

"Miss me," I said.

"Steve, I've got Peirce and Molly, time for you to get those helicarriers where we need them," I said.

"Got it. How's Molly," he asked.

"Not good. I hardly recognized her. But Steve you need to focus on the mission so we can all get out of this alive," I said.

"Your right," He said.

I typed my things in the computer and had Molly come and help me.

"Where's my dad? Can I see him?" Molly asked.

"Sure," I said.

I pulled up the camera feed from the planes and it showed Steve.

"No, no, no," she said and ran off.

"Molly! What are you doing?!?" I asked.

"Saving my dad from the Winter Solider," she said as she kept running.

"How?" I asked.

"He can remember. I know he can," she said.

Before I could stop her she was gone around the corner.

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