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Sometimes it can't be put into words what we feel, because the feelings can be so strong but never something verbal. That's why some people express it through music, others through art, some in the things they do like cooking or kind gestures... others though would take a violent turn. Some have gone even as far as start a war, all in the name of love. Others did drugs, because love can also be destructive and toxic. It could be all consuming and very uncomfortable at times even... to me I think it was all. The feelings kept lingering like a weird tangy feeling on the tip of the tongue when you drink something sweet and citrusy. It was bitter, yet sweet. It was addicting, but it made my mind want to explode, merely because of how crazy I felt I was going. I hadn't even left my room in days. I'd sneak out when everyone was out or asleep. Avoiding the pink haired man wasn't very difficult, seeing as we were eye to eye in the thought that we weren't so good together or even under the same roof for too long. It would always end up in a huge argument, which is a lot considering everyone thinks we're meant to be. As for the raven haired man, he was M.I.A for two days already. But I hadn't payed much attention to it, I nearly didn't notice it until Myra had mentioned it a few nights ago... I wondered for only the fewest of seconds if it was because of me.

I stared at the moon outside my balcony, getting up and opening the balcony doors, letting the cool autumn breeze hit my skin. The feeling reminded me of one that had been lingering all over my body and a specific part of my face for what seemed like centuries, but it was only for a few days... and if I was being certain I felt seriously guilty about it. Mostly because that was the entire reason I was avoiding Etherius in the first place. The dude was literally connected to me, having him near would make it easy for him to understand why I was behaving the way I had. But on the other side of it, I also felt like I had finally taken something out of my chest. Which was the constant curiosity of the spark I had felt since day one, the one that shot electricity throughout my entire body the day I met him. The day I met Gray. I hadn't been able to shake it off since that day, and it was always lingering in the back of my mind.

The electric spark in that handshake left me starstruck in a sense. Which I always kept to myself because of the obvious reason, Erza. But then, to find out everything was fake, gave me some sort of peace. But in another side, it didn't. Guilt continued to flood my heart and mind, because of the salmon haired demon... regardless of the outcome of our relationship, we both knew that our feelings for eachother hadn't vanished. Though I very much enjoyed every second with the raven haired man, the sweetness he treated me with was like heaven. But, the fire that the salmon haired man sparked between us was ecstasy. Bliss everytime he made our bodies intertwine in sync. Yet, the raven haired man could make me just flip and forget everything with just one thing, that simple kiss...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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