Bed Rest

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"Oh Julie, I'm so sorry, lovely. I'm just too sick!" Jenny was almost in tears as she spoke to her 'Sister from another Mister' over the phone. "I've caught some kind of 'flu, and I look like Herman Munster, sound like Bonnie Tyler with a sore throat and feel like, well, death warmed up. Even Tom couldn't get me out of bed right now!"

There was an insane snort and a cackle of laughter. "And why the hell would you WANT to get out of bed if he was there!" Julie rasped.

"Stop it, you! You KNOW what I mean!" Jenny smiled despite her raging fever and aching body.  "Look, I need to take more meds and sleep. Why don't you come over later? You can sit on the other side of the room and share my cake. You DID get me a cake, didn't you?"

There was a silence that spoke volumes. "Yes. Yes... of course. Did you think I wouldn't? See you at 6 my Lovely." The line went dead, and Jenny stared at the phone for a moment, tears in her eyes. Even Julie had in a tiny, tiny way let her down. No cake, eh?

Still, that was small beer compared to Tom. He'd promised faithfully to be here for her birthday. They'd gone from strength to strength in their relationship, even going semi-public once or twice at the cinema or for a meal. Always with friends, but obviously together. Red carpet official was the next step they'd discussed. Or so she'd thought.

The premier for his latest movie had come and gone. Tom had flown back from Vietnam to attend. They'd spent a truly lovely weekend together, but she hadn't gone. He'd never mentioned it, and she hadn't asked.

Not wanting to be 'that person', she hadn't shown him how much it hurt. She'd kept it all in until the door closed on him the next morning. As the taxi drove away to Heathrow, she'd cried. And cried.

He'd promised to be home for her birthday. He'd make it special, he said. He'd make it a birthday to remember, he said. Now, it was her birthday and he wasn't here.

He'd facetimed her a couple of days ago. They were behind schedule, and they needed to work through to catch up from some bad weather. He was sorry, but there was just nothing he could do.

Despite feeling like death - which she didn't tell him - she smiled and said it was fine. Not a problem. He could make it up to her when he got back. Julie had a little party organised, so it was all good.

He apologised and blown her kisses, and Brie, his co-star, had popped her head in to wave hi. Jenny liked Brie. She was funny and sweet and adored Tom, but like a big brother. Jenny felt safe with Brie. And of course, she trusted Tom.

He'd signed off with a final promise to call on her birthday itself, and she'd nodded, blowing him a kiss, unable to speak without crying.

Now, as she contemplated another year older, she lay back and let the misery wash over her. It wasn't his fault, it wasnt her fault. It was just life. But when you've a temperature of 104F and every fibre of your being aches? Who wants to be a grownup? She just wanted a cuddle.  From her Tommy.

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