And for my next trick

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Tom waited anxiously for Luke to call back. He knew there was no point trying to call him first. Luke was, if nothing else, ruthlessly efficient. If he said he would call, then he would call.

"Just bloody well, hurry up!" Tom cursed as he looked at his phone for the thousandth time that hour.

Eventually, it rang, and despite waiting for it, Tom still jumped a mile. "Sheesh man! You gave me a heart attack there! So what news?"

"And hello to you too. Im fine. Thanks for asking. Yes, I had a lovely few days. Yes ,I managed to get you out of yet ANOTHER hole. No, it wasn't a bother." The lava temperature sarcasm flowed through the phone and burned Tom's ear.

He winced. "Sorry. Hi. How are you. Thank you so much for saving my sorry arse yet again." He could hear Luke laughing. "Quit laughing and spill. What's the chat about getting her here to see me?"

"Ah well, there's the rub. No can do, man. Sorry. If she's even got the hint of a sniffle, they won't let her in. Everywhere is super cautious these days." He sounded really annoyed and depressed.

Tom sighed. It was all going so horribly wrong.

"However......" Luke paused, and Tom felt his chest tighten.


"Well, dunno if I should even suggest..." he trailed off, and Tom jumped right in.

"What? Please? "

"Nah, you'll never agree,  I know you Tom, you're just too dedicated to..." he was smiling, trying to imagine Tom's frustration as he prevaricated.

"Luke Windsor, I swear if you don't spill the beans, I won't be responsible...." he was smiling, but equally, he was frantic. Time was slipping by....

"Ok, well, I called in a few favours, and I can get you home. For a week. I've lined up some "essential" contract stuff that needs a wet ink signature." He sounded triumphant. "We ALL know it's complete rubbish, but as you NEVER ask to move or postpone stuff, it was all ok."

"Oh my God, Luke. Does your talent NEVER end? If she refuses, I'll marry you instead." He blurted out then clamped a hand over his mouth. He hadn't admitted his plan to ANYONE.

"Oh reeeeeeeally?" Luke said with a snigger in his voice. Tom could just see him narrow his eyes and raise an eyebrow.  Oh well, in for a penny.

"Yes, I'd planned to take her to the place where we met. Do it there over a plate of oysters." He smiled at the irony. They both HATED oysters, her demonstrating that graphically that first night. He'd planned to hide something on the plate. A little sparkly something hidden in the ice.

Luke laughed. "You never do things by half, do you, eh? Ok, well, get packed. There will be a car there to pick you up in three hours. You should be home by 11 am our time." He paused then added, " Oh and Tom?"

"Yes, Luke?"

"If she says no, then I like ostentatiously expensive yellow diamonds....." The phone was hung up to the sound of raucous laughter.

Tom stood stock still for a full minute. It was on.  The plan was in action.  He was about to risk his... no. He wasn't risking anything. She loved him. She'd said so... didn't she?

Tom Hiddleston was nothing if not the master of self-doubt.

Jenny woke the next morning, still clutching the pillow. She felt marginally better, which was just as well since the doorbell appeared to be broken. It rang continuously.

Groaning, she got up and trudged through to the door. "Coming!" She ached all over, not because of the 'flu, but because she'd lain, virtually without moving for almost three days now. She really needed to get up and on the go.  Get rid of whoever this was and....

As she pulled the door open with a fixed smile and a strained "Hello?" She almost collapsed in shock. The smile, the eyes, the aftershave, the warm arms that now enveloped her.

He had come home.

"Hi darling!" Was all he said. "Told you this one would be special! Come on in, we have lots to talk about...."

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