Visit From Demon Lord Shin Honda.

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"Huh? What do you mean?" Rudra asked Kuroichi as the scene now changed to them in the guest house in the meeting spot, discussing Demon Lord Shin's coming visit.

It has been two days since Kuroichi's sudden visit. Just yesterday, Kazuma and Kaito went back to Nefalím, under Lucia's orders.

"As I said earlier, Demon Lord Shin Honda has rescheduled his meeting with Lady Rimuru. From a week to a day, as such, he will be arriving tomorrow." Kuroichi said as Rimuru was listening to everything absent-minded.

"Ren, get a hold of yourself. Did you even listen to a word he just said?" Ketsueki mumbled loudly even for Rimuru to hear who was trying her best to not fall asleep.

"Only till the part where he said Shin will arrive early to Moriko," Rimuru mumbled in a really low voice that it took Ketsueki a few minutes to clearly understand as Rimuru was about to fall asleep, Ketsueki pinched her arm hard enough so she didn't fall asleep.

Rimuru looked annoyed as she quietly glared at Ketsueki, which he made sure to ignore. "Alright, I think I understand what you mean, Kuro," Rimuru said as she was still glaring at Ketsueki. "Your face says otherwise," Kuroichi said as he read Rimuru's face. As well as how she is glaring at Ketsueki.

"Okay, I understand till the part where you said Shin will arrive early, I think tomorrow was what you said," Rimuru said as she yawned softly. "Just to confirm, you woke all of us to just tell us that?" Rudra asked. "Yeah," Kuroichi said.

"You woke us up at 2 IN THE MORNING JUST TO TELL US THAT?!" Yeah, Rudra is mad. He grabbed Kuroichi's collar and shook him furiously. "Should we help him?" Rimuru asked half-heartedly. "Don't bother, Kuro deserves this anyway," Ketsueki said, getting up from his seat.

"Harsh but okay." Rimuru followed behind Ketsueki quite sleepy. "I have been meaning to ask about something," Rimuru said. "What is it?" Ketsueki asked, listening to her question with some interest. "Why did Kuro call you Lord Ignatios and Akari Lady Celeste? And what does Tahuti mean?" Just as the words left Rimuru's lips, Ketsueki stopped midway.

"I thought by now you might have forgotten about it," he sighed. "But it seems I was wrong. Anyways, the word 'Tahuti' means mortals. Kuro isn't a fan of mankind." Ketsueki explained.

"So that's why it looked like Kuro was ignoring Rudra's presence," Rimuru said, recalling all the times Kuro talked with all of them.

"I'm surprised you noticed that, besides the point. I'm called Ignatios, and Nene is called Celeste because those were the warrior names we were given by the gods." This did catch Rimuru off guard. "You mean the gods can give you your very own warrior name?" Rimuru asked.

"That...I suppose that's how you can see it, but the names are picked based on our speciality and other important facts." He said. "Such as?" Rimuru questioned with curiosity filled in her words.

"Important facts which I'm not allowed to disclose at the current moment," Ketsueki said. "Then when can you disclose it?" Rimuru asked. "When I have free time and you go off to bed," Ketsueki said as he tapped lightly on Rimuru's forehead. "Fine. See you later." Rimuru said as she waved and walked back to her room.

"I suppose after a year at best. On another note, would you kindly step out of the shadows before I make you come out?" Ketsueki said as he turned to the only shadow spot in the entire corridor. After a few seconds of waiting, a figure came out from the shadows. The lady had hair that looked almost like silk, that fell right below her waist with a pair of crimson eyes. It was the same lady that came to Rimuru's dream.

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