Distress and Fist Fights

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Kylies pov
I awoke with Michaels arm around me I got up and got dressed and did my business.
Michael got up shortly after thank god he brought a change of clothes with him. And then we were off to school.
Derek tried talking to me but i was trying to keep my tears back so I ignored him. I felt it it I just wanted to scream all of emotions bottled up. The lesson was dragging out and for lunch I avoided everybody. I was outside just sitting there thinking what did I do to deserve this when someone sat next to me. Luke. What do you want? I asked annoyed and hes the main reason why Im feeling more of a fool then ever.

Hay beautiful he says. Look I wanna apologize for last night events he adds. I would never do that without inder the influence he says finishing. I look at him a kiss to show I forgive you I say and then kiss him. Hay I told you Im a player. He walks away not before he winks at me. Andrew comes up to me. Hay babe he says. Hay baby I say. Yeah Im back.(evil luagh)
So how come your out here? He asks kissing all over my neck. I moaned as he hit my sensitive spot. Just needed some fresh air I say before another moan slips. Babe I love it when you moan he says. The bell rings and we head our seprate ways.

I kinda dreaded gym becuase I know I would see Derek. As I arrived I was right. He tackled me to the ground. Why are you ignoring me he said
With Derek my emotions dont care they spill and a tear slipped. Kylie please tell me Im so sorry for missing your call yesterday Jenna needed me he starts saying Look its okay I say blinking back the rest of my tears. No tell me what happened? He demanded
Okay but promise not to get mad I say Ugh come on let me get mad I hate when you make me promise but fine I promise He says. You see Derek never breaks a promise andI mean never so thats why he hates when i make him promise. Luke raped me I say but he was under the influence of alchole and he didnt realize I add quickly watching Derek eyes light with rage.

Are you okay? He asks Yeah Im fine I say. Kylie I think its time you stop the games he says. What why? I ask Becuase Toby wouldnt want this he starts. No dont you dare I say Dont you dare bring up Toby I say angry and I punched Derek in the chest over and over again. Im sorry he says pulling me into a hug and that did it I cried, I felt broken like after the time my dad raped me. He rubbed my back as I cried. Kylie lets go on a trip just me and you he says. Okay i say going back to my blank expression. Dont do that Kylie you just showed emotion keep it that way he says.

Dereks pov (surprisee) 😋
As I headed home I couldnt get Kylie out of my mind. Shes the sister Ive always wanted. To think that we met all cuase of my brother, Toby.
///flashback\\\ back to tenth grade they're juniors now )
Hay little bro Toby says walking in with Kylie who i didnt know at the time.
Only by a year I grumble. Who is she? I ask flashing her a smile. Shes Kylie my girl friend he says happily Ive never seen my brother so happy. Hi she says flashing me a smile one that she doesnt show now anymore. Were in the same grade right? I ask her. Yeah I think I have my first five periods with you she says. Probably I say shrugging. Dads gonna meet her tonight he says smiling. I cant wait you know how Dad always wanted you to have a girlfriend around I say.

Kylie, Toby and I watched and movie till the time came to have dinner with my father and he was so happy that my brother finally found something to keep him happy ever since mom passed away from lung cancer.
\\\fashback over////
I smiled at the thought. Oh Toby I say to myself as a tear slips my eye.
10 months later Toby passed away from a heat stroke. Kylie was heartbroken and since she wasnt out anymore her dads beatings started getting worse see with Toby around she wasnt home alot so she wouldnt get beat and then a month afterwards thats when he raped her. I promised my brother I would make sure Kylie would be safe when Toby passed away I saw Kylies hope gone she was happy, she loved my brother and he wrote a letter to her and I cant wait to give it to her on this trip.

Maybe it will help bring some life to Kylie. Jenna and I want Kylie to be with someone who will bring that smile back into her life and get that blank expression off her face. Her player ways wont last forever and I hope this game with her and Anderson sparks something. Yeah Im rooting for it. I packed my stuff for this weekend trip. My dad saw me and smiled.
Hay son he says with a smile. Hay Dad Im going to take Kylie on a trip to visit Toby i say. Dad flinches at the mention of Toby but smiles. How is she? He asks Not good its getting worse shes just gonna I choke on a sob Why do the good people go what of she decides she doesnt want to be here anymore Dad shes lost everyone, her aunt doesnt even look at her I say breakin down.
Son it'll be okay we all know her shes a fighter shes strong and with your help she'll stay after your trip I want her to stay here for awhile he says. Yeah I could make it happen but I gottah go Love you dad I say on my way out. I love you to son he yells back.

Hopefully this weeked will be not as distressed as today was.

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