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Kylie's Pov
*4 weeks later*
Michael and I have continued the game. I have truly fallen deeper into liking him. So the plan is to tell him today, I don't expect anything out of it. Just want to tell the truth and get out of here. Derek supports me and thinks he loves me but I hope not I want him to win. As I pull into school the feeling is uneasy and everyone looking at me as I park next to Michaels car. He's sitting in the drivers seat with the window roll down but hops out as soon as he sees me get out. Hello beautiful he says. Hi Michael, I was wondering if we could talk to you at lunch about something? I ask 

Yes of course, I might be a little late he says and gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes to class. Hey Kylie Jenna says and gives me a hug as we walk into Ms.Launtas class. Derek gives me a side hug and sits next to me as Jenna sits next to him. And the rest of the periods were zoned out until  I was on my way to lunch, I overheard voices in the janitor closet and you'll never guess its Luke and Michael talking and of course I have to listen because I want to know exactly whats going on. 

Dude if you tell her you love her its gonna ruin everything, I wanted to take her to homecoming, and with you I know she likes you, you guys would be the power couple and its not fair, she was everyones game bro please do not tell her you love her Luke says 

Luke I'm going to tell her besides who knows maybe she won't like me back Michael says and then he chuckles I mean I hope she does. 

Man if you tell her I'm gonna tell her about Stacy, in fact the whole school now how would that look baby killer he said 

At that point I walked away knowing too much. I was confused but I knew I was going to tell the truth.


Michaels POV

Walking into the cafeteria I was looking for Kylie, and I didn't know what to do, do I end the game how its always intended to end or do I tell the truth and give my feelings a chance. 

Hey Kylie said walking up to me with her car keys in her hand, something was wrong, I could tell through her blank face because there was a hint in her eye like holding back a tear. 

hey I said where are you going? 

I wanna get out of here she says and adds are you coming? 

Yeah I say but first I wanna talk to Derek 

fine hurry up she says 

Derek whats wrong with Kylie? I ask 

Im gonna be honest, I don't know.Kylies been distance with me. She doesn't go out much, heck I think you've seen her more than I have in a week. Just don't hurt her man he finishes

alright man thanks I say

the truth I say to myself. 

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