Chapter 5

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Bryan's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. What was my dad saying? "I'm getting married?!" I asked. It sounded like an awful dad joke to me. I sincerely hoped it was.

My dad laughed. "You make it sound as if I'm forcing you into marriage now. You are still going to get married in your early twenties, don't worry."

I let out a mild sigh of relief, letting myself relax into the chair, inhaling the familiar scent of coffee that his home office had.

My dad had asked to see me immediately he came back from work. "You are getting married," he'd said when I entered his office. I was frightened by his sudden words. 'What brought about marital discussion this evening?' I'd thought.

"Remember Mr. A I told you about last week?

"Yes! The one that owes you 52 million," I recalled. "Have you found a way to deal with him?"

"I have. A very good way to deal with him indeed." He scoffed.

"So... what's the... deal? I asked, wondering what mischievous idea my dad had come up with.

He smiled sweetly making me shiver. Someone meeting him for the first time would think he is nice and caring just by looking at his smile, this smile in particular. How deceptive is this man?

"I decided to forget about the debt and also support his family by getting a decent job for him and his wife, as well as a brand new car. Plus, I will be paying the school fees of his children and other stuff like that-"

I was impressed at what he had said so far thinking that he might not not be as heartless as I thought he was. I was so wrong, however.

"-if only..." he continued. "If only his first daughter gets married to you in the nearer future."

"What?!" My head started spinning. So that's why he told me that I was getting married. "Dad, why?!"

"Come on son, it is a harmless thing. The girl is very pretty, she's courteous too and seems like wife-material."

"So?! What is my concern with her prettiness or her courteous-ness?" I yelled. "Does that mean I want or would want to marry her? How can you arrange a marriage between me and Mr. A's daughter because of whatever conflict you have with him? Like, must you involve the children?"

"Don't use that tone on me. Don't question my actions either. You will marry her. That's final!" He laid emphasis on the last two words.

"And how does the girl feel about this? Have you even met her in real life? Who suggested this as a remedy?" I couldn't think straight. Everything was so confusing.

"For your information, I was the one who suggested this as a remedy. And yes, I've met the girl before, I met her today. She also threw a tantrum when she found out, her tantrum was even more than the one you are throwing now." He gave me a quick disgusted look. "Also... I'm setting up a meeting for the both of you, you guys can talk and get to know each other better then."

I was hit with another bombshell before I even recovered from the first one. "I still don't get it. What do I stand to gain in all of this? What do you stand to gain in all this?"

"You will gain a wife that is respectful, smart and hardworking, diligent and loyal, rather than any random rich spoiled brat. What I will gain? Unfortunately, that's none of your business."

I gasped slightly. "How are you even sure she has all those good qualities?" I asked, ignoring the fact that he spoke so cruelly, completely disregarding whatever little feelings of mine could get hurt by his words.

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