~ Chapter 2: Travel ~

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Outside, there's a cart waiting for me. It's a cart where you put horses in, but this time, it's carrying Zandorians. The disrespect they have for us is tantamount. Treating us like animals won't further our relationship for the better. 

My master's friend is waiting by the carriage. Thick, rope-like muscles coil around his back and shoulders. The slim, white shirt he's wearing outlines his well-developed muscles. 

I inwardly flinch when his hands wrap around my tiny shoulders. His calloused fingers tightly grip my shoulder bone. 

"Get in," he grunts. 

I'm tossed into the carriage, and I land with a loud thump. My knees will bruise up in a minute. 

A withered hand reaches down and grabs my hand. I spook and nearly cry out in surprise. My head raises and a white-haired Zandorian comes into view. I calm my racing heart and allow him to pull me up. 

Clear ice-blue eyes peer into mine. He's a Diamond Gem. In Human form, we can identify each other through eye and hair color. Because I have an affinity to all Gems, I forcefully changed my eyes and hair to Emerald green before my capture. Long ago, I regretted my decision to change my hair color to green. Humans kept laughing at me, and they'd flow their rough fingers through my hair. 

"I'm Amor," he introduces himself, "what's your name?"

"Citrus," I reply, "thanks for your help."

"Yep," a smile stretches across his face, "we should help each other in times of trouble."

A sad expression twinkles in his eyes as he remembers the Zandora we are so proud of. The expression disappears as soon as it comes, and he shifts his gaze to two Zandorians in the corner. 

"That's Cree and Zephyr."

A red-eyed male blinks at me, and his fiery hair sways back and forth like real flames. Zephyr is a purple eyed Zandorian female. Her beautiful long hair shines bright in the musty carriage. 

Shimmers of purple flash across her eyes as she gives me a wide smile. 

I'm not phased at her beauty. Since I was born, I've seen tons of beautiful Zandorian. We mark how pretty females are by how many shimmers of color flash through when they're in their Gem forms. How bright the Gem is also affecting the enticing beauty. 

Gems dimming can also signify age. 

I point at my slave friends, "Zafar and Pek."

My friends greet them before we settle down on the hay floor. Soon, the carriage lurches forward and our journey to meet the King starts. 

Zephyr picks up a conversation, "What was your capture like in Zandora?"

I keep silent. My Prince status isn't known to these Zandorians. I can't possibly reveal that now. Zandorians respect the royal family, and if I prove my identity, their attitude towards me will change. Humans might catch on and find the secret. 

Amor answers when nobody perks up, "I was a royal guard on patrol. When Humans stole the Heart Gem, I tried to fight back. It didn't work well with me."

Everyone on the cart gasp in surprise. A royal guard?!

My body quiver when I hear his words. I force myself to stay still. Amor must have been one of those Zandorians guarding us. I wrack my brains to find a memory of a Diamond wielding Zandorian guard. 

 The Royal Guard contains one commander and ten soldiers under his command. In Gem form, we technically don't need so many Zandorians guarding us since we're so small. Our house is a small, cave-like structure, with the supplements we need to thrive as Gems. 

We aren't close with the Royal Guard because we are secrets. I only vaguely remember us calling them "Soldier 1," "Soldier 2." How am I supposed to find out who Amor was? There's two Diamond Gems in our royal family as I recall. Soldier 4 and Soldier 7. 

Amor smiles humbly upon noticing our awed faces.

Zephyr gasps, "It's an honor to serve the royal family." 

A pause fills the air, and she directly stares into my eyes, "Citrus, why don't you share your story with us?"

I immediately open my mouth upon observing my friends' waiting expressions. I'm prepared for this moment. 

"I was six when Humans invaded. My family and I were soaking in minerals from the ground when the Heart Gem was stolen. Our powers were extinguished, and I was taken along with my family."

"Same with me," Pek butts in. 

The others quickly share their story. Theirs are similar to mine in different fashions. 

Zephyr said that she was one of the last to be captured because she was in Human form when the Humans invaded.

She was interested in the lives of Humans and often roamed about. They found out about her identity soon after Zandora's fall. I bet it was easy to spot her. Humans don't really have purple hair unless they dye them. And purple eyes? 

For the rest of the ride, we spoke about our lives in Zandora, and how good those days were.

I try my best to follow in the conversation and made sure no hints about my identity were made.

Zephyr seemed a little suspicious when she kept asking questions. I raised my guard when she asked about our rankings in Zandorian society. 

The royal family is obviously in first class. Royal Guard is next. After those two, Zandorians are ranked by how much power they have in their Gems. The older Zandorians usually have more power because they accumulated it in a long period of time. 

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