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It's hard to pretend you love someone when you don't but do you know what's even harder? Pretending to not love someone when you do.

~   ~   ~   ~

When the song ended, the crowd erupted into an eager applause, and Muna gave her a high-five.

"That was amazing!" she said. "You have an incredible voice."

Audrina blushed at the compliment, feeling a surge of pride and satisfaction. She had never felt so comfortable and free in another person's company. She took off her glasses and wiped her face. She was trying to catch her breath.

"I never knew I could sing like that. I'm shocked too."

Muna moved to her and stood on her tiptoes to get to Audrina's ears.

"Do not underestimate your abilities. That is your boss's job. Plus, I've heard you sing one time at the charity meeting spot. I knew you could sing, Drey."

Drey. Hmmm.

Audrina held her breath as she felt Muna's body press up on hers a bit and swallowed a lump at the back of her throat.

Muna smiled, held her hand for a while, and then stepped back.

The MC of the karaoke night noticed the crowd at the bar had increased and then came on stage to ask them if they would love to perform another song.

Audrina simply nodded and handed the microphone over to him.

She gave Muna a raised eyebrow as if to ask her, What about you?

"I think I have one more round in me."

Audrina's brain had heard that in another context but the applause rising from the audience took her mind off of the gutter, and she stepped off the stage and sat by a table close by.

She turned her seat so she was facing Muna, then brought out her phone and started recording her.

The MC walked towards Muna and handed her the microphone.

"Senorita, the stage is yours."

The song started with a gentle intro from the piano, and Muna closed her eyes slowly.

She opened her eyes, then took the microphone eagerly and began belting out a raucous version of "Dandelions" by Ruth B.

Audrina watched in amazement as Muna danced and sang with abandon, her whole body alive with energy.

She knew every lyric without looking at the karaoke screen. Her eyes were only on Audrina.

The lyrics of the song were so heartwarming and sincere that it felt like a lover professing their love for the one they hold dearest to their soul.

🎶 " I think that you are the one for me
'cause it gets so hard to breathe
When you're looking at me." 🎶

Muna kept singing and enticing the crowd with her voice; it was surreal.

Audrina took a look around the bar and saw that everyone was as captivated as she was. At this point, she couldn't wait to ask her out honestly.

Baby steps. She thought. Baby steps.

Muna's voice went low as the song reached it's end. She was still looking at Audrina and for a minute, it seemed like they were the only ones present at the bar.

She gave a curtsy now when the song ended and the applause was resounding. She just stood there, smiling, with her arms together, as if in prayer.

She waved at the crowd, clapping, then noticed Audrina standing up, still clapping. Others followed.

"This is the first time anyone is getting a standing ovation."

One man said to another while standing to clap as others did. He whispered into the ear of the man sitting by his table and that one nodded after he finished talking.

It didn't matter that the song wasn't a Nigerian song. All that mattered was that Muna serenaded them in an exotic manner that was done at balls or parties where only royalty was present.

Muna walked off the stage and headed towards the table where Audrina stood, still clapping.

"You're one helluva talented and brave lady, Muna. I think you're going to be a next rated artiste if you went the musical way."

She hugged Muna when the applause subsided. It was a long hug, which wouldn't have ended if a new song hadn't started playing.

They sit down and Muna pours herself a shot from the bottle a bartender brought to their table. He'd whispered in her ear that someone on the far corner of the bar asked him to give her a bottle.

She didn't ask who, but she told the bartender to send her thanks to whomever it was. She needed a drink. Badly.

It was after downing the second shot that she replied Audrina.

"You can only be brave when you are afraid. I was scared as fuck, Drey. I was almost lip-syncing."

Audrina laughed so hard, it warmed Muna's insides. She had tested the nickname earlier and noticed Audrina liked it, based on her reaction. So she was going to use it every once in a while.

"Tell me something nobody knows about you, Drey." Muna asked as she stood and pulled her seat closer to Audrina's. Their faces were now really inches apart.

"Oh, you want to know my insecurities, yeah? Uh-uh. I ain't telling you, miss."

"C'mon Drey. I promise not to hold your insecurities against you but to use them as a guide to find out what helps you feel secure, safe, and protected. If you let me."

Audrina hummed and tilted her head to the side. 
"Damn girl! You have a way with words. Okay, uhmm for starters, I really don't like my name."

Call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen came on, and a new duo came on the stage and sang along with so much groove.

"Are you cool with me calling you Drey? I mean, I thought of "Drina," or "Rina" but it didn't seem like a nice fit for you.

Audrina looked at her and nodded yes.

"I love Drey."

Muna smiled. That heart-stopping smile made Audrina want to scoop her up into her arms and kiss her stupid.

Baby steps.
She reminded herself. Baby steps.

As the night wore on, they sang, danced, and laughed together, sharing their love of music and other things.

For a few hours, they forgot about their worries and their responsibilities, lost in the magic of the moment.

When they finally stumbled out of the bar, exhausted and elated, Audrina felt a sense of gratitude and wonder. She had never felt so alive and connected to another person.

She has never really let anyone in, to the point of them becoming the reason for her happiness but it was different this night.

Something was tingling inside her and she hoped Muna felt that way too.

              • '
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**I actually met an online friend who introduced me to the cranberries and a lot of other songs that I'm obsessed with rn, so this chapter is kinda dedicated to this person. <3

* * *

Please let me know your thoughts on the characters and what you want them to do next.
I might just add your suggestions in. 😉

stay safe y'all.

Qhupid out 🐾

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