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This takes place at the same exact time as 'Tsukasa's poem book' in its entirety. This means that everything is the same from Rui's point of view, and questions from the previous book will be answered here.

Dear diary,

I can't help but stare at him. He's this cute little blonde boy with brown eyes. He has this nasaly voice and child-like mannerisms. He's like a little kid 24/7. He's innocent. He's always happy unless you ruin his day.

I saw the way he was stumbling when he saw me today. He got all red and nervous, studdering his words. He barely talked to me at all.

He is the sweetest cookie in the jar. The cutest puppy in the litter.

He's my everything.

And we aren't even dating.

Rui's Diary (Sequel to Tsukasa's Poem Book)Where stories live. Discover now