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Stoned Vee

   Masha's pov:
   I was invited to for a sleepover with the hexsquad today, and couldn't wait to go, I'd finally get to meet Eda after hearing so much about her and how she was basically Luz's mom for the last few months. I stood outside the door of their house, knocking loudly. A few seconds passed before someone opened the door, and I recognized them, the longish gray hair, the hook arm, it was Eda. "Hey, I've heard so much about you!" I said cheerfully, going to shake her hand, I got the wrong hand tho and had to switch. I walked in, and quickly made my way to the basement.

Down there, I saw they had already set up everything for our hangout; everyone was there, several card games were set up, drinks and snacks, and someone was even nice enough to make brownies. I walked downstairs, and everyone greeted me, but I didn't see Vee yet. "Uh, hey, where's Vee?" I asked looking around slowly, amity shrugged, "she said she'd be down in a few minutes, but-", "Masha!" She was interrupted by Vee yelling my name from the stairs, and she then tackle-hugged me onto the couch, "hey squishy, miss me?" I asked, ruffling her hair, she giggled, "I would have died if you didn't show up tonight."

   The first thing we did was watch a movie, Azura of course, and me and Vee spent our time cuddling and trying not to be too loud while talking, next was card games, but Vee went to get a snack while we set up a game of uno. About five minutes after Vee left, Eda came down, "Uh hey, did anyone eat any of those brownies?" She said, walking to the table that held the snacks, we all looked at each other, "no, not that we know of" Luz said, "well, someone did." Eda said, and turned around to show us the tray, about half of the brownies were gone, "Now, I need to know who ate these brownies, because these are not normal brownies." She said, "what are they, poison?" I said jokingly, Eda shook her head, "No, these, *sigh*, these are weed brownies, I made them for a party in the boiling Isles, but got the batches mixed up, so I need to know who-"

   She was interrupted by Vee slithering out of the bathroom, and I couldn't help but chuckle, she was in basilisk form, her eyes were bright red, and she was doing a 'blep' face, "found your brownie thief." I said. The room went silent, us staring at Vee, each blink of her's was slow and one eye at a time, until Matt finally broke the silence, "Vee... how high are you?" Vee looked and him, and started giggling, "hi, I'm good." She said, slithering next to me, and I started laughing, Vee herself was a giggling mess, and it didn't help that I was already laughing. We tried playing our card game, and Vee was definitely stoned now, her speech sounded like she was forgetting her sentence with each new word, each movement of hers took total concentration and effort even for simple stuff, and she was holding the damn cards backwards.

   We started playing, but had to stop every time it was Vee's turn because not only was she using about 90% mental effort to place a card down, but she kept forgetting the color or number, hell, when she ran out of cards, she didn't even try to announce she won, I don't think her cooked brain even rendered she had won, she instead just patiently sat there, waiting until I placed a +2, and she picked up 7. It was only after she had lost all her cards again and picked up another 7 that she finally spoke up. "I- didn't I- I win like..... 5 minutes ago?" She said, and I could see the gears turning in her head trying to render what was going on, and I burst out laughing again, "yes Vee, you've won twice in the last hour" Willow spoke up, small tears forming in her eyes from laughing, "huh....that's cool" she said, and continued playing.

  After that long game of Uno, we started setting up another game, but we had to go upstairs to grab some parts of the game we had forgotten, I decided to bring Vee along because I did not trust her alone in her high state. After we had found what we needed, we started talking to Camilla, mainly to distract her from Vee, who was laying on the couch and talking to me about some random theory of hers about Marvel. I laughed at her stoned rambling, and went to get her some water, but when I was just about to leave the kitchen, I heard someone's stomach growling loudly, which I thought was part of my imagination, until I looked at everyone else and they had the same expression as me.

I ignored it, probably just someone being hungry, and then I reached the couch were Vee was, or used to be. "Hey Vee! Uh, where are you going?" I heard Camilla talking to Vee, so I made my way to the kitchen, and saw that Vee had thrown something in the microwave, and was now just staring into the glass, she hadn't even turned it on, "uh, Vee, are you okay?" Camilla said, tapping her on the shoulder, Vee turned to look at her, and smiled, "I'm okay mom, thanks." Vee said, and turned back to watch her food, Camilla looked as if she could cry of joy on the spot, and quickly left to her room. Vee stood at the microwave for another few minutes before she turned to me, " it not plugged in?" She pointed at the microwave, and I sighed, "No Vee, it's not turned on, you need to press the button." I said, grabbing her hand and guiding her fingers to the ON button.

She turned on the microwave, and smiled, "thanks." She continued watching her noodle bowl cook, and I sighed, 'god I hope this wears off ' I thought as I went to rejoin the others, but was stopped by Vee interlocking our fingers and holding my hand tightly. I didn't struggle, as doing so wouldn't help, so I stayed and watched her stare at her noodles cook, but the way she was just mindlessly looking at it made me laugh. After a few minutes, the microwave beeped, and Vee took out her noodles. "Alright, grab a fork and follow me downsta-" I stopped myself as I watched Vee drink the boiling broth and noodles with no hesitation, sighing happily after, "tasty."

After that, she grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs and to her room. "Uh, hey, the party's in the basement." I reminded her, but she shrugged, "I'm sleepy." She led into her room, slithering into bed and dragging me alongside her. We got comfy, and she wrapped herself around me as usual, I smiled, hugging her. "I love you squishy." She smiled and whispered back, "I love you too"

Sorry this took so long, I had a mental writer's block. Leave a suggestion here please.

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