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A week later..

"Please leave my husband, I am sorry on his behalf, we will return all your money", Michael's wife pleaded holding Jungkook's feet. His gun was on her husband's forehead and he was held down on his knees by the guards.

"This bullet needs to be dodged, either in your brain or his, I give you the choice", he said firmly.

But before she could speak, he pulled the trigger instantly, killing Michael. "Time's up", he said sarcastically and walked away....

"Find the other one right now, I don't want him to see another day on this planet" Jungkook ordered his guards taking a long drag of his cigarette. After a few hours, they found Kevin in a small alley, his men had beaten him up before Jungkook got there. But by the time he reached, Kevin had managed to escape somehow.

"Shoot him wherever you find him", he ordered.

Kevin was exhausted from running and his legs gave up making him fall on the road. Y/n was walking down the road, when she came across the wounded semi conscious man.

"Excuse me, are you alright? What happened?", she ran over to the man but he didn't reply.

By this time Jungkook and his men had reached him but were observing everything from a distance. He had signalled them to stop, to prevent any scene and they were waiting for her to leave. Y/n called the ambulance quickly looking at him with concern.

"Excuse me!!.., hello, the man in black hoodie!!", she looked over at him. Jungkook looked around to see if she was really calling him in that casual tone!

"Yes, you, can you come here please"?? she signalled him with her hand.

"Boss, do you want us to get her....?" his guards inquired.

"No, there will be unnecessary commotion, I'll go and check what she wants", he said looking at her.

Jungkook started walking towards her, he was really amused by her courage and empathy

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Jungkook started walking towards her, he was really amused by her courage and empathy. His face was covered with a mask and his hoodie cap and hair was shadowing his eyes.

"Can you please wait with this man, until the ambulance comes, I am running late for my work!", she requested.

He didn't want the conversation going so he just nodded softly.

"I don't know what is wrong with this world, their is no humanity left, but still.. look at you, you are an example of a good human being... the world needs more people like you", she went on.

He was getting impatient at her rant, however he still stood there staring at her face. Her brown cat like eyes, slender nose, beautifully carved soft pink lips, long black hair... how perfect was she really.

Jungkook was never a sentimental person and he never paid any attention to any details of a female's appearance.. but his eyes were roaming all over her face, memorising every little detail about her striking features....

"Anyways", she sighed bringing him back to the reality.... "I'll go now, thanks", she smiled at him. He just looked at her thinking 'for fuck sake, just leave girl' but he couldn't muster up the courage for some unexplained reason......

After she left, his men came over, "Boss should we take him to the penthouse?".

"No, just leave him here", he said in a disoriented voice while still looking at Y/n's back as she walked away....
The guards looked at each other in confusion as he turned around to walk towards his car...

"I think the girl's words were extremely effective on boss", one of the guards said to the other one laughing.

"Arghhhhh"!! suddenly he fell on the road and groaned in pain realising his left foot had been shot. "JEON JUNGKOOK CAN NEVER EVER BE INFLUENCED BY A GIRL!!!!" he said pointing the gun towards semi conscious Kevin and shooting 5 bullets straight into his heart...

Later in the night, he was relaxing in his bathtub, with closed eyes with her face consuming his mind.. his lips were forming into a slight smirk at her thoughts.

Who was she? How casually was she talking to him? How concerned was she about a random stranger?

He got out from the tub and wrapped a towel leaving his tattooed muscular body on a full display...

"It's been ages, handsome", a seductive voice rasped from the door.

Without even looking... he smirked and signalled his fingers asking the blonde girl to come inside the room..

She stood in front of him... moving her hands along his face to abs as he looked at her with lust filled gaze!!!

"Finally, You came... did you miss me??", she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"How many times do I have to remind you to not touch me until I ask you too?", he tugged her hair making her gasp as she pulled her arms down.

"Are you going to punish me for this?", she looked at him with pure vile seduction that could turn anyone on!!

He hovered his eyes over her face with an evil grin when suddenly something in his body felt weird... The girl's face had morphed into the beautiful one he had seen earlier today. His face tensed up a little as he felt a tinge of emotion!!

"What happened?? I'm usually screaming your name by now... What's taking you so long to fuck me today!!", she traced her hand towards his underpants bringing him back from his thoughts..

His mind was fighting with his body... he couldn't understand what was happening. This had never happened before!! He had spent last 10 years of his life living without any emotions or feelings only satisfying himself with physical pleasures... That couldn't just change in one day!! Plus this girl was not going to cross paths with him again! Why was her absence bothering him so much then??

Jungkook tried to deceive himself into thinking she wasn't even that beautiful!! He had been with girls way more prettier than her. But then his heart laughed at his denial as he remembered her innocent brown eyes... her simple uncomplicated personality, her innocent face. He closed his eyes and smacked his lips to halt these thoughts....

His annoyance at his own emotions only got the worst out of him as he tore the girl's dress apart..

"Oh God.. you are rougher than usual... Wh..", her sentence was cut in the middle as he pushed her on the bed..

"Shut up and get on your fours", he demanded with a voice mixed with annoyance, rage and lust as he thrusted into her roughly!!!

Even though Jungkook was seeking pleasure in someone else... he spent all night fighting with his thoughts to stop diverting in the mystery girl's direction who had invoked his interest!!!!

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