Chapter 1 planting the seeds of growth

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"Hello," my name is Buddy. I live in a tribe that others think does not exist or that we are a crazy swamp society. Also, this is my story on how I made all of the tribes into one. I live in the swamp tribe, a poor tribe that other tribes think does not "exist", and we have no ocean axis, so we do not get fish and the owner's hummed clime meat makes it almost impossible to farm. We have a chef. He was a good chief until his wife died. I don't know how she died. I can say the same for my mother. My mother died when I was a child. My father gave me her quill and took care of me until he died of a sickness, but the chief took care of me when I got older" I had to take care of him and the owner's tribe members. It was chaos then, and it was the worst. Also, there were wars with tribes before I was born, and I plan to help the owner tribe. It was to get the stone tab lit from a cave. It was the dragon graveyard. This is where all dragons would go near death, and I would go here to vent and sort out problems with the town's people. It was a sanctuary and a museum for the young people of the swamp tribe. When I found out the tablet was in there, I ran to get it and immediately told the chef, but he was intoxicated by the rum, and he was ecstatic to see it. We decided to go to the great feast that was hosted by all of the tribes. Thanks to the lord for giving us life on this world and to trade resources, but we were outcasts for not being a real tribe, so we had to sneak in when the other tribes saw us. They look at us with anger. You could see the vines in all of the chiefs' eyes. The air was so thick you could cut it with a sword. It was like they hated us for nothing. Also, it was no surprise the owner's spot was a mess. Since they outcast us for nothing, it was good until they stole the owner's food. We were starving until the feast. It wasn't until the offering that we were going to show the tablet, but the chief was intoxicated by the ale and ruined the moment in a flash. It seemed like a second that we were sent to death but even in a moment of intoxication he still thot that it was wrong to burn me alive. He pleaded for them to let me go, and I showed the tablet at the last second. It showed nothing for them to stop, it only got them to let me go. It almost killed me. I was sad, but before I left my chief told me I was the new chief. I left in tears. I took the tablet with me. When I got back, my chest felt like I was going to bleed from my chest and the whole town came to see a child lying on the ground. It looked like everyone was shocked to see me show up early from the event. The area was silent until I got on my feet. Then, someone finally spoke and asked if we were a tribe or not. I said we were at a cost. The chief is dead. Sobs broke into my eyes and people tried to console me for my third loss in my life. This is a travesty, and I was trying to get past it, but that night I couldn't sleep knowing that it was a crushing weight on me. I explained the tribe's state of power. Then, I said the chef was dead. The air was cold and thick like in the winter. The world felt like it was still and the town was silent then I told them I was the new chief. One thing was said: "You do not deserve to be a chief." My body went cold, the wind was cold and it was silent. For the rest of the day, month, week, and year I lost count of how long it's been. The only thing that I kept track of was the silence, and it kept me standing the days after the spoken decree that I was chief for the next three moons. No one spoke to me or each other, so I called a town meeting and the people said, "What is it, child?" I said that it was time to expand our tribe's territory, and we were going to the dark lands. They regret expanding our territory, but in the dark lands, the people shout in anger and fear. I expanded that it is the only land we can conquer. All the other land was taken by stronger tribes, and we could not go to war with them, so we had to go to the dark lands. We need to develop more farms and housing for the offspring and animals on the farm. Also, it could bring more trade to us in other tribes not found people augured overed to go or not until the seer came and said, "If it is true that the boy wants to expand our land lets test him first to see if it is safe if the boy comes back alive in 17 moons it is safe to inhabit but if not we will stay here forever." I did want to expand our land, and the seer knew it well, but in his eyes, I could see fear and doubt. His black and green eyes now were nothing but emotion. I was brought to the gate, and the seer told me the words to chant to open the gate. The words were to god in heaven: "I ask of you to open the lands of dark to you and your son. I pray the time has come to ask for a favor. The tribe must expand to live." Lighting struck the gate, and it opened. The seer said, "You know what to do." My journey began with me looking for a food source to start with for winter and slowly getting more weapons and shelter for the night. It started with the food and weapons that would help with the food situation, so I went to get some materials, I went to a nearby cave and looked for ores. I came across a slime, and my sword went right through its gooey flesh. I knew I had to run when I got away. I was lost. The walls all look the same, but on the upside, I found iron or gold or something. I never saw any type of ore, but my main focus was getting out alive. So it was hard because somehow there are living skeletons in the dark lands, so there are slimes and skeletons. What's next sentient swirls? Eventually, I found the exit to the cave and got home with a lot of ores and crystals. I look at the crystals first. The first one I looked at felt like it was on fire, so I used it as a source of heat. The other one felt cold and thick, so I left it outside. Finally, the last one didn't have a feel to it, but I knew what I could and couldn't eat and how to cook them, so I looked for the food and animals I could cook. I found an unsaleable, large nest when looking for food and saw a large egg in it, so I collected the egg and saw that the egg was scaley. I looked at the eggs closer and saw that they had cracks on it, so I left them near the fire crystals, so the eggs could stay warm and hatch. The rest of the little sunlight I had was spent building a home. It was decent, to say the least, the home was in the middle of the forest where I could get more of a home, maybe even a tower, and at night. I got to moving my stuff into the new home in progress, so I made an under-earth section for the eggs and made a fire for them. The house was born and after I went to look for food I was feeling fish tonight, so I looked for a water source and fished. I went home to a surprise by the dragon that came out of the egg. He was a small rube color looking dragon who puffs smoke in my face. I rubbed my eyes so I could see the new dragon. It had hatched so I gave it some food and the dragon seemed to let me close to itself while keeping me at bay at the same time but seemed to trust me. The dragons seem to not trust anyone at birth so it seems that dragons' trust needs to be earned not given. After the dragon finished eating they went to the corner of the room. Then I went upstairs and got to work on a bed. First I got some wood and had the realization I didn't know how to make a bed so I looked for something soft and coshing. First I had to make a frame for it so I made a frame from the wood, it looked nice. Then I had to use my axe for it so it could have been a waste. I began my look for a good an-of thing to sleep on. I looked in the woods first and I found a string like subtends. It was soft but sticky so I could use it but I had to get a large amount and something to cover it with. So I looked for more of that subtends and I found more of it to my luck. Now I just needed to find something to cover it with as before I looked around the woods for something to cover the subtends. As I was traveling in the northern direction I looked on that side of a tree I found a substance that I could use that was covering the tree bark entirely. It didn't affect my skin and I decided to apply it to the substance for resting purposes. Now this new substance to use on the other hand gave me the ability to rest for the night but I needed to stay on my guard for the night. The rest was good but I could not enjoy it in all its greatness I got some much-needed rest. From this the time of sunrise I checked off the first two moons of the seventeen. This was a big achievement of this time. I knew that my tools would last forever. I remember the chief taught me a little about forging tools and weapons so I had to go back to my original objectives to find ores to forge a new axe and sword. The sword looked like it was at its limit so I looked for a cave and once I got my pickaxe I found one. When the sun was on its way in the sky I went into the cave and looked for ores inside. It was cold and the floor felt wet and when I went to the walls of the cave in a depressing attempt to find ores in the dark it took me so long to find one. When I found it I swung my pickaxe at the wall and then felt the wall to see if there was even a single ore there but all I felt was more cave. The fell of iron alluded to my grasp but to no avail but the chiefs' training to tell the difference between iron and Normal rock was of use to me. In this trying time of this, he thought we could go to the outer tribes together and I could forge tools with the blacksmiths and make money for food and new rags or clothes. But that was back then I needed to focus on the now I needed to find iron to make a sword, an axe, and other tools. If this wasn't hard I still have to find animals to hunt instead of just fishing so I needed to find them. I stopped thinking about that and went back to swing my pickaxe on the wall of the cave as if I were in anger. I swung the pickaxe so hard sparks flew. To my surprise, I didn't get any of the sparks in my eyes and I felt the cave wall again. To feel for iron I felt a large chunk of iron in the wall. I had to be careful to extract the iron from the wall. Chipping away at the rock congealing the iron to the wall the iron felt like an oft to forge an axe or sword then I needed to find the exit to the cave the walls I thought it could be of use but it was no use I think the walls made me more lost but by luck or grace of god, I got out. Once I got out of the cave I had to find my way home the woods were unbearing to go through at night the woods only brought me a danger to which I now know that there seem to be some giant rock creatures I will call them golems one would have killed me on that night if weren't for my tiredness I would have died its arms are huge but slow for my tiredness made me saw from the way huge arms reach but I needed to kill its look to me is slow but I was in no condition to fight this thing but even in this state I'm in I knew not to run to my home to think I could run to home I knew it would follow me home I needed to kill it even tired I had to get a full look at the enemy the golem seemed to look like it could crush me with one hand if I didn't dodge all the golems hits I would die I look at the back of it and saw a crack on its back.I Thought if I hit it there it would break to pieces I jumped and hit the crack on the back it seemed to fall to pieces like I thought but look and see what seemed to be its heart I had the instinct to break it into clusters of its former self. Not knowing if it was dead or not I went home with the iron and half asleep and I had to see if the shattered body would still be there at sunrise if its body was still there by tomorrow it would be dead walking for what felt like forever I found my home with the dragon asleep on my resting couriers I decided to move it to the edge of my sleeping quarters it seemed to wake in my arms but seemed to not care because of me putting them at the edge of the sleeping quarters. When I woke the sun was in the middle of the sky and I looked at my food supply I saw it was looking low on fish and meat I had little to start with time to start a farm then I needed to forge an axe or a sword my axe had one or two swings left but first I needed a farm but sleep was still upon me but I needed to wake up the day has started I got my ax and rod to hunt and fish first I hunted did not find any prey to hunt but I stumbled across a camp with a farm only one or two people here I ask one man his name he answered.My name is Landgrave Aurri and this is my wife Isouda Landgrave I asked him if he knew how to make a farm he answered yes I then asked if he could help me make one he agreed but only if I got him some food for him and his wife I had also had to give him some land to set up camp I agreed to his terms. And showed him to the place where I was going to put the farm. He told me I needed to soften the soil so more water could linger in the ground. so if he told me I did not need to water them all the time then he told me what plants to look for as well as the environment they grow in. I thanked Aurri and whent to get some food after i went to get food i walked in the forest for the sun's life of this day the days end with the dark i threaded lighty and made it home to see a fire and i sat down with the food i had brought Aurri came to me with an aggravated expression on his face he began to yell at me for what purpose i suppose i heard something about a dragon and my mind went to the newborn dragon i was harboring in my home so i got up and looked for the newborn i saw it standing at the door with smoke coming out its nose i got on my nieas and laded my hand upon its head and its nose smoke seemed to sees as if it new my touch more than how i look i walk inside with the newborn following me to with to what i think is it trusting me i fall into my bed with the dragon follows suit i drift into a plane of Non-existence to which I begin to see myself in the field of flowers to which I have no idea of the names of to which I begin to walk through it the more and more I walk I slowly begin to see bits and pieces of flowers the flames on it I try to put out the Flames but I don't see them putting out it begins to spread begin to start running away from the flowers seeing the more and more they spread the more fire grows As I continues to spread as my body continuing to Tire with my body because even more heavy I begin to notice a tree I begin to climb up that tree I don't know why it climbed up that tree as the fire begins to touch my body I'm suddenly jolted awake with noticing the dragon is gone with my arms flinting around that jump out of my sleeping quarters see a small bit of Flame come out of my hand put out the fire before it could reach anything but then I suddenly come to a conclusion that I can create fire my hands now i barge out my sleeping quarters After barging out of my sleeping quarters I began to ask Aurri where is the newborn dragon Aurri Began to spout on about how he just woke up and didn't see him I walked away with rage in my footsteps trying to find the newborn dragon but even with this rage I feel I feel confused for now with this new power of acquired through my night's rest Was his confusion in my mind I began to try and study up on my power I have now acquired while I was looking for the newborn as I flicked my hand onlySing that seem to came out was smoke I will have to study up on this power later but right now I should be focusing on looking for the newborn To where I looked high and low to where I have entered new parts of the woods that I so lived in that I have not known of I would have to be home before nightfall because I have no idea what the knowledge of this place may have Such as the dangers nor the upsetting parts of this Forest this Dragon of mine it sure is a pesky one I found a dragon but he seems to be in distress even after hours of looking for him if he sees me and comes running to me and jumps on me his claws digging into my skin even through my clothing even this is made me begin to worry I've walked for quite a while now and know the way back not all that well but I will continue to walk the way I thought what's the correct way after hours of walking I finally see a fire in the distance even though it is night time and the dark be hind me was darker then egypt the fire with the new born on me makes my middle part of my being my arms and legs feelt hot but were the new born dragon was it was colder then a lake in the winter my front body was freeing No matter how close of the fire I got it was freezing I touched the dragon it was quite warm when yet the underside of it felt freezing it was like it scaled itself was controlling the Heat and sending it right to my arms and legs rather to me I was quite scared but yet I would have to focus I sent the newborn back into the home making sure to close my sleeping Chambers exits to make sure you couldn't escape this time then I left my sleeping quarters and then I began to train with the new abilities I had flicking my wrist in a certain motion one side where I flipped my wrist under underhanded make sparks come out undecided with the hand to the right made my arms shoot out a tiny bit of smoke well I believe it was smoke it smelled like smoke because I really couldn't tell how dark it was I got so angry I began just flicking my wrist in certain directions only I could see was the Sparks but I spilled a little Heat come out I didn't pay it no mind so I just began to walk back making sure if I see any Sparks or any other things laying on the ground I made sure to put them out walking back to my sleeping Chambers and I began to fall asleep with the dragon on top of me like last time this time waking up or rather before I woke up I really can't tell I was in a small ocean an ocean a lake I couldn't tell there's really nothing to recognize around me it was only water I can't just swim around hopefully to find something of Interest then I finally found land I begin to walk on to the land seeing nothing but an Iceland so far what trees covered in Frost and ice For the cold surrounding my body it felt almost like the dragon was on blow over my body covering me with my skin beginning to feeling like it's peeling off the more I walk I finally find a cold looking fire thinking maybe I could use a spark to probably start a fire with these with these Frozen branches of a tree hopefully with my Sparks could probably melt the ice and start a fire in this cold place after many flicks of my wrist I began to start a fire the cold in the ice in the dirt and grass beginning to melt but the fire slowly turning from the bottom starting to turn black where I was getting angry at not being this cold I began to notice it but then I suddenly woke up right when I began to see it I suddenly was jolted to my senses and consciousness but yet my body still feeling cold I had to focus on what was needed to be done today Food Supplies is were running a little low the garden seemed to me growing nicely we will no longer have to worry about getting that much meat but yet I would still have to focus on getting it I began fishing for a couple of hours until the day's son has reached the middle of the sky to which I had nothing more than a arms full of fish and one fish on my fishing rod I began to walk it back and look for something to put them into using the last bits of my axe that is well anything left of it again to make something to hold the fish into today will be need to be the day where I have to focus on making new weapons and tools to help me in my Adventures I begin to pack my things to a long walk packing myself enough water to last me a good long Journey continuing walking until the sun was finally at its last peak of the day I finally stumbled across a little town to where I see a blacksmith I asked the kind sir if you could repair my tools and weapons he replies with may I see your tools and weapons I showed him my sword which it was completely destroyed with chunks missing of it and he says I don't believe I can fix this To which I replied with well then can I please buy one of your own weapons and tools from you with this stuff which you can use a scrap metal he looked at me and said fine but this looks likeThis stuff was made very well the only way that this weapon could have broken if you were fighting an acid slime I asked him and ask him kind sir what is an acid slime to what he replied with a crecher that eats its pry my desintagratng them and acid slime is a type of gelatin creature in these forests nearby to where if any weapon goes through them they will instantly disintegrate I began to think is there any way to kill them he replies with yes but only with magic for me I only know weapons you'll have to see the ark mage down here I replied with oh don't you mean the Seer he replies with "no the ark mage what do you mean by seer" I was in shock of how little people knew of my people to which I replied with a Seer a person of magic who generally heals people he replies to me with oh you're thinking of a cleric my mind was racing with the thoughts of a cleric what in the world is a cleric and our Seer a magical person who studied magic for years back in the old times he could be a cleric I have taken my newly forced tools and weapons along and began to walk back to my home Thinking that the Seer he was a cleric to which I had to shove into the back of my mind I would have to return the next day I tried making a map back at home on the way to which I would think this tree here or rather I would make landmarks I thought Well I had to dash aside my thoughts to which I had to reply to myself I'll just make both I began to walk back to the Village the next day after sleeping in my Chambers again but this time there was no weird dreams after seeing that black Flame but back to the journey as i walked back to the town I begin to walk to the Ark mage Once I ventured his domain I began to ask if he's there I saw nothing for a couple of minutes the ark Mage who looks like an old man wobbles down a ladder and greted me was a good hello my boy who are you I introduced myself as buddy and I asked the arch mage his name He introduces himself as Zion the mage Zion asked me for why have you come to my domain i told him i had some questions for him he sat down and sayed my boy ask for i may have read every book this town has to offer i asked him with dlalay in my voice,"i have not be able to do this in my hole life" as i say that i fliecked my rist and sparks come out and Zoin said oh so your finally figuring out i ask him before he could finish figuring out what as i said that zion looks at me with annoyence saying if you'll let me speak ill tell you. I sat down and patiently waited for him to answer my question he replied so you're finally figuring out Aethera I found myself very confused about what Aethera is so, I asked him what it was he said it was the lines of magic with a worried since in my head I didn't like the fact that I just suddenly learned the very very start of Aethera. Zion then began to ramble on and on about how Aethera works. Halfway through his explanation of how one even grasped this power he replied with a question: did you come from a family of mages or come in contact with an Aethera-filled item? I asked him how one can tell if I even have one in my position. He said the object would have a certain glow, feel, or look after he said, that he showed me a sword that had a certain look to it to where it looked like it was dripping blood i had a large amount of concern for this item alone to which i yelled "WHY IS BLOOD COMING OUT OF THE SWORD'' with a straight face zion says "that is the items Aethrea it is blood slash I looked at zion with a confused and worried face saying blood slash? Zion replied with "Yes blood slash is an ability that allows the user to fling blood around and the blood can cut the opponent a terrifying ability when you think about it" After he said that, I couldn't help but stare at the sword in my hand, now understanding the peculiar nature of its enchantment. The blade seemed to pulse with an eerie energy, and I became acutely aware of the responsibility that came with wielding such a unique weapon. "B-but, why blood?" I stammered, still trying to wrap my mind around the concept of a weapon that utilized such a gruesome ability. To this Zion replied with my boy's blood it's in almost everything that makes it easy to weld or new into a weapon Zion continued his explanation, his demeanor calm and patient as he sought to ease my growing discomfort. "My boy, blood is a fundamental essence of life. It courses through the veins of creatures, big and small, connecting them to the very fabric of existence. Aethrea, in its design, taps into this life force, making it a versatile and potent tool."He gestured for me to sheath the sword, and as I did, the dripping blood effect ceased. The blade retained a mesmerizing crimson hue, but it no longer seemed to exude the unsettling quality it had moments before. "Think of it not as a gruesome ability, but as a representation of the connection between life and magic," Zion explained. "The blood it wields is not a macabre substance; it is an embodiment of the energy that flows through all living things. Aethrea channels this essence, transforming it into a formidable force." I looked at the sword in its sheath. I accepted the fact that blood could be weaponized, Zion his eyes as I looked into them reflecting the wisdom of ages. "Aethrea can be a symbol of life's vitality, a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things. Embrace its uniqueness, and it will serve you well." as I heard ZIon say that I gave him back the sword as I did so I felt Zion pulling me to a latter As I climbed up the latter with Zion the more I noted the books and paper in the tower that he resides in I stopped at one part of the parts of the tower to find lots and lots of sticks with a confused tone in my voice I asked him," what's with the sticks'' Zion saying to me my boy these are not sticks theses are weapons as well my mind pondering how a simple sick can be a weapon Zion swung the sick to my surprise a warle of fire came out this made me jump back from him but yet I was intrigued by this Zion, with a knowing smile, observed my wide-eyed fascination with the flaming stick he held. "Indeed, my boy, these seemingly ordinary sticks are imbued with elemental magic. They are staff of fire, each carrying the essence of flames. Magic, you see, is not confined to grand gestures; it can be found in the simplicity of nature and the elements." He handed me one of the staff, its surface warm to the touch, and encouraged me to give it a try. Tentatively, I swung the staff, and to my astonishment, a controlled burst of fire erupted from its tip. The flames danced in intricate patterns, responding to the intent behind my movements. "Magic is about harnessing the forces of the world and channeling them with purpose," Zion explained. "Fire, like blood, is a part of the interconnected web of life. These staffs serve as a reminder that even the simplest elements can be wielded with great power." As we continued our ascent through the tower, I couldn't help but marvel at the variety of enchanted items that lined its walls. Each artifact had a unique story to tell and a lesson to impart. Scrolls whispered forgotten incantations, crystals radiated with mysterious energies, and ancient tomes beckoned with untold knowledge. Was this information I began to ponder the different possibilities of the natural phenomenon in this world fire blood water air could all be natural substances could be bended to make a more powerful substance and weapon to which I've now feared and felt a cold chill room down my back by the thought of people pure evil using this to their advantage my mind rushed to the worst conclusions to where I saw burning villages flooding towns first the whole world going to Center I noticed that by fire disabilities that I have now in love or if I say acquired through this weird plane of existence of non-existence and existence of my mind seeing that I am pondering the different Natures of this he gave me a little pattern on the shoulder to reassure me that there are many good people in this world not all this magic is bad that this magic of use for good and don't disturbance path that I'm trying to lead you on use matching for good my mind rushing to what he said to me reassured me of what this magic would do thinking of how I could see people cook food I thanked him and asked if I could come back for lessons on how to control my abilities zion agreed To which you sent me on my Merry way back but before I went he gave me this book saying that it continued almost all the fire spells that I may want to learn he said I want to give you this advance so when I'm done teaching you the basics you can probably learn this by yourself I thanked him and told him that I will still becoming him if I have problems zion looking please with what I said proceeded to say come anytime you want my boy I love the company walking back home seeing the book that I had in my hand I decided to start reading through it The cover of the book sort of smooth but yet course at the same time Knowing that it was made out of a sort of help of an animal I have not yet seen But interested I started to look inside to where I saw what it looked and felt like cloth of different color and varieties but yet feeling not like cloth felt more like the trees inside after you cut it I deterred this and started trying to read it the words very dark and easy to read I had a hard time making out some of them Only be able to pick up a couple words we're in the book in fact I was barely be able to understand the language that it was written in I would only be able to make a couple of Tiny paintings in the book to which looked oddly misshapen and not that graphic on showing on how to do it as walking home feeling the cold brush of air run back my run back of my head I tried flicking my wrist a couple times to get myself some light on a piece of wood so I can get myself some warmth as well Making an easy for myself if I was able to see and be able to get some warmth on my body on my flesh but feeling the cold pressure air slowly blowing my fire around thinking that these Powers would probably be useful to create a light above my head I started to think on how the ability works seeing that every time I would begin to use the magic I would be slightly enraged or shall I say angered showing that I've seen fires connected to anger but it had a slight color change the more angry I got showing that it went from a bright orange and a weird color that seems brighter and had a very light tint of Orange to Black taking back to the book and I had my hand I would probably just be able to ask the mage or maybe my fellow comrade back it back at the camp if you could teach me how to make out the language or probably teach it to me to which I pondered different words and the language trying to learn it the best I could on my own I have inevitably gave up on learning it on my own halfway through the walk back admiring the cold and dark piece of this land seeing how beautiful it is at night feeling comfort in this dark to which I heard out of crying how seeing the Moon seeing the beauty of this world and the Animals within it though I hate killing the animals within it showing that I am nothing more than an animal myself to which I was always told this is a survival to the fittest seeing his violence required to be able to eat and live I was someone disgusted on this fact though I had to embrace it at a very young age I cannot remember what age it was to feel like if it was 10 or 3 regardless walking back seeing the whole the whole brush of different colors of dark and green in the very night for this Forest feeling the Course ground would leave my feet every time I took a step and then quickly come back I'm feeling the sensation of soil and grass beneath my feet seeing that the slowly burning stick was heading down to my hand I began to put it out and started looking for another one so I can get through the woods without knocking my face against anything that grabbing another large stick seeing that what was made from a different texture of wood I laid it on fire with caution to wish the wood burst it in Flames at the very top as quickly spread down I began to stop at the fire that was on it barely be able to I was barely be able to make out what the wood was but it looked a lot thinner and I felt less coarse than the other one it didn't have any bark on it either that began to look for another similar one to before because that one lasted a long time I picked up another piece of wood that felt exactly like the one I I had before that person is blames thinking that this would be great to start a fire if needed but I had to toss to decide cuz I had nothing to put it into grabbing a similar piece of wood to the very first one I grabbed I began to light it on fire feeling somewhat control over my power healing the less angry when using them feeling almost natural having little to no concentration when doing so but still can only create Sparks and a little bit of Fire Lighting the wood on fire again I began to walk once more towards my home or what felt like the direction of my home started looking for landmarks I led or left seeing that there were little pieces of cuts in the trees looking for stumps that I may have left in the ground finding my way back home after more than what the felt like a couple of hours tired my legs feeling weak I fell into my bed seeing the newborn jumping on to me as I fall asleep quickly seeing the world Fade to Black what's more will this time my dreams feel calm and tranquil like it was an avoid loading through one feeling nothing but warmth on my body like a little fires colliding with my skin just to give me a little bit of warmth Though not seeing these fires colliding with my skin to think fire could not create lights I was treated by this though hard to remember at the beginning of sunrise I eventually got it down To where I could remember what happened in my non plane of existence I should eventually create a name for it I think I'm calling it a dream.

The adventures of the dragon realmWhere stories live. Discover now