Chapter 3 The germination of the seeds of growth

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The alumnshon of my world is something of memory the light the warmth and the sounds when i dream i feel the same thing the world of nonexistent feels real the world i get put into feels real when resting in my chambers with the young dragon i don't feel it on me anymore all i felt was the grass i saw a field of grass and flowers all of them unknown to me but all i saw in the horizon was a dragon with scales red and it was huge it looked at me but i ran even though it didn't feel its intent to kill me and for some reason i wasn't afraid of it after but yet i still ran with this the dragon didn't run any faster i knew it was walking waiting for me to get tired i wasn't scared then it spoke ,"Buddy" i stop right where i was and looked at it strait in the eyes it spoke to me again it sayed,"are you scared of me" i answered no the dragon asked," then why did you run" i answered because i-i-i don't know the sayed,"is it because you don't know me" i may have said yes i cant remember all i remember after that is that the dragon sayed its name was swampy-after this i found myself awake with the young dragon on me looking at it now it look liked a younger version of the dragon in the dream i glanced over this and got up to go see Zion i walked out of my chambers to go see Zion working on a peace of forist turning it into what he calls a training grounds i walked out my chambers to fine Zion building a large stone building to when i asked him why he was building it he said,"this is for your training somewhere for you focus on making fire in a cold environment with out letting your anger make the fire to do this you'll have to control you emotions and focus on making fire with out using you emoushiens and just being calm cause buddy if you never learn how to make magic fire without getting angry it wont be able to be controlled nor will your soul be able to let out that muh magic in one singular fire spell if thats happens buddy you'll ether die or become unconscious so buddy you must master the basics and that's controle of the mind then we will learn basic spells now buddy enter the training area" after he said that i saw him make a large hole in the wall in front of us a i walked into it Zion began to close the wall and i was left in the dark standing alone the cold digging into my skin like the little needle bugs outside i need to find out how to make fire before i freeze to death maybe i can find something to make a fire out of my little fire magic i have now with the magic i have i can make a torch i have sparks in my power i need to learn how i made the fire when i was angry i started pondering the way i feel when i was angry maybe i can replicate how i made the sparks so i started trying to get angry first then figure out what i did after getting angry with myself for not being able to make fire i flicked my wrist and i saw the sparks come out i thought to myself how did i do it looking back on it i had a strong desire to make fire in doing so fire was made and remembering Zion acted he had a strong desire to protect and help people to grow so if i want to make fire i need to have a strong desire but the only thing i how do i get a stronger desire to make pure fire i needed to make a stronger desire to do something then just learning fire so i looked at my past and looked at what i wanted so i looked into myself and all i saw was i wanted to protect my tribe and make a better world of them and make more friends so i tried forcing that desire to make a ball of fire putting my hands i started to fosic my desire to make a better world into my hand and a few sparks came out of my hand i've fingered it out i had done it i have done it now with this new information i can make sparks at will i started to focis agan but this time i tried to focus my desiser infrount of me and i saw a small flame infront of me i see the more i do it the more esayer it becomes the more i use my magic the more i can use it with out having to use my desire as fuel finding more and more ways to use fire have it flowing above me to make a small sun making something for warmth and for light in this dark area Zion has built the light around me only spreading only to see in front of me but it's not enough to fill the hole area the area feels warm but it also feelt cold the small sun that i had made only was fueled on my little magic i could do and it would still leave me executed after using it for a long period of time the sun even tho it kept me warm i still need to preserve my energy the area that Zion builded feelet endless and with no end insisted so i had to find a way to stay warm and feed i knew i could make only a few more suns without passing out i scoured the area for something anything to make a fire and hopefully stay warm the area seemed to have no trees no bushes no plants at all if Zion has done this on purpose to keep me from making a fire so i had to think why would Zion stop me from making a fire maybe it was something he did that ied had sen him do that should keep him warm then i remembered Zions tower it was cold but when i fould Zion he was warm was Zion using fire magic on him self to keep him warm maybe i had to try with no idea on how am i sopused to do it i just put my hands on my chest and tried to use fire magic with both my chest and hands focusing my desire in my chest and hands slowly feeling the fire warming the air around me to were i can focus on finding a way out of this area Zion made though i was warm i was still dark an i needed to get out of here knowing this i tried mkeing the sun smaller into just a small little flame on my finger illuminating much briter then what the sun was lighting up the small area around me i wasnt that far from a wall or what looked like a wall contiouing on the wall looked like it was made with stone and not much more the wall seemed to be leeming over my head and didnt seem to stop at just over my head so i had to look around more after walking to what seemed like eon i remembered that i didn't have food and was using this much magic has taken a toll on my body feeling now my body is trying to keep pace with me trying to walk on its like walking through tar or deep muck my legs tying with each step my legs failing to keep up made me collapse onto myself feeling my face hit the ground feeling the cold stone ground hit my face forced me into a dream the world i was forced into this world to see it collapsing around me things covered in flames when looked at looked like an abyss running and running saw what was causing these flames a person in a red rope covered in blood with the flames of the abyss emanating from him then he locked eyes with me i could feel it his hate for someone i didn't know i knew if i didn't run i would be consumed my his hate i ran and seeing the dragon named swumpy in front of me it sayed,"why must you run from someone who is consumed by hate for this is not escaping them for they will hunt you down until your death" i begged the dragon to save me it said if you want my help then fight i didn't know why but i turned around and ran back to him pulling out a sword from which i didn't knew i had focusing all of my desire into a single spell to which i didn't know of i invloatery yelled,"THE FATHERS SUN" creating a large sun much like the one i made in the area Zion made the robe figure began to walk to me as they saw the sun being thrown at them seeming to over power it and sending it back at me with his flames inbound into it screaming out I WONT DIE HERE for some reason i had no idea how or why i pushed it back with my sword trying to send it back with all of my strength feeling the weight of the abyss sun to witch was mine was now theres pussing back with evroy thing i had to no avail with what little energy in had left i had a idea to try and absorbing the suns magic i put every thing out of pushing it back to absorbing it i put my hands onto it dropping my sword feeling the suns heat on my skin it began to burn i could feel all of my energy i put into the sun flowing back into me but even after getting all my energy back from it there was no way i could push it back this person's magic was far to powerful for me then i saw them walk next to me and sawed get stronger or you'll die i saw them powerless to do anything put more magic into the sun pushing me into the ground feeling the weight of the sun on my hands burning my hands i wanted to let go but if i did the suns weight and its heat with its never ending weight falling around me i tried for a split second to hit them with my magic but overcame by the sun's weight i had a terrible thought to try and push the sun back with my magic and my strength even thought i had hold it back for long enough to put me to my knees with the strength i have i tried to push my fire magic froward without a clear vision of how to do it i simply just pushed my magic out of my hands and froward and git had little to no affect on it but it gave me some air to breath after i did this i saw the dragon swampy fighting the cloaked person it seemed to be an even mach at first but it only looked like the person was dodging swampy's attacks it seemed like he didn't want to heart the dragon focuses the suns weight began to fall upon me and with no energy left it didn't take long for it to absorb me into its able flame waking me up from my unconscious state in a cold sweet seeing the dark area around me saying to myself at lest i'm alive and am not tiered anymore but i still needed to get out of there thinking back too the dream i casted a fire spell that made a sun its name was the fathers sun thinking of this i thought to myself if i can make a small sun then whats stopping me from making a large sun so i tried making a small sun like before gathering arcana and forming it into a small ball of flame and desire and slowly started adding more and more to the small sun ingulfing it in more and more flames creating a bigger and a larger sun but it faded away in my hands whale i was just about to use it and it left me exhausted from using that much archana and energy to make that so rested to gain back my energy and thought to myself what if i just make a small sun and push it forward with my magic and i can see what happens if i do  i raised my hand in front of me and started to gather some of my magic and began to form a ball of flames thinking back to the light i made i started to compress the ball to make sure all of the flames did not expand out and it withers away and so i added perisher to the fire ball and it molded quite easy and it didn't seem to have that many flames exsteding outward and it seemed to give off more heat and so i thought what if i could compress it nachurly but releasing this i decided to try and add more of my magic as well and do my plan before that one walking to a wall in the area Zion bilt i aimed the fireball at the wall and expelled it forward with my magic after wich the ball of flames rapitly moved forward to the wall hiting it and imploding apon contact the wall seemed to  brake but soon after the wall seemed to reform slowly the the new spell  i had to see how stroung i could make it but this wall seems to regenrates how can Zion do this i saw him when he was making this place he wasnt trying all that hard but it he was still fouceing on making it that must mean that Zion is still outside of the area focusing on keeping the area well keep it must be taking everything that zion has to keep this place intack to both keep his tower and this area bilt i need to ether distory this place or make him take it down so after thinking of this i start to make the new ball of flames i start to stop thinking about making the ball of flames by holding my hands close together and start thinking about destroying the wall the ball of flames begans to start geting bigger and bigger i began to raise my hands above my head and i wach as my ball of my flames began to grow and grow as its mass gets bigger it seems to leak out some of its flames i began to force them back in and i say this ball of flames i shall call the fathers son in memory of my chief and one of the few fathers figures i had have i began to push the ball of flames towards the wall and the wall seems to burst into a fine powder in the air and the ball of flames hitting the wall pushes me back and burns my right hand and its flames are still on my hand i pat my hand on the ground but i look up and see the wall slowly regenerating i run with my hand with the fire put out and then i escape the area Zion had made i think of the burning pain on my hand after blowing up the wall i began to think maybe Zion can help with my hand i began to follow the walls thinking it will lead me back to my camp with this new knowledge in my mind finding the irony in the sichshon thinking that the sun in my dream was useless finding out that that person was just strong thinking this i have to continue to the camp walking back fellt like an eternity with nothing more then just my mind in pain after the ecape the area Zion had made i have to keep moving after a long bit i came to a corner of the area Zion had made and collapse on the hard ground hit my body Only the thoughts of getting back to my camp filled it but that's the weight of the sudden hits the ground trying to stay conscience the wight i feel on my mind Only stopped by the weight my thoughts over getting back to my camp nothing more filled my mind just to get back hoping that I would stay conscious dragging my limp body across the ground trying to stay conscious as much as I can trying to find the corner again my eyes wander left right only seeing patches of trees and only seeing the woods trying to find the areas ion built for my training finally finding it with my hand grabbing the side of it I was be able to pick myself back up but then I leaned to continue to lean against the wall trying to keep myself from falling again this is my mind I know if I fell again I would not be able to keep myself up continue to walk on walking as hard as I could to make sure I don't fall again seeing the corner somewhat see the entrance to the place where Zion and made it walking a few minutes swaying left to right feeling as if I was the chief after a couple bits from walking and walking and walking nothing more but just walking right to my camp I could see it Zion was right in front of me I could see the smile on his face but at my last moments I couldn't walk no more collapsing everything suddenly turn black as I was put into another state of unconsciousness a state of non-existence Simply seeing that I would continue on but this one unlike the others I didn't seem to go anywhere no dreams only the southern Blackness and me waking up again seeing that I was put into the plane of existence again outside of it I saw my camp I saw me laying in my sleeping quarters the dragon looking concerned but arguably looking to what I thought was a bit bigger seeing that gained a little bit in size I wondered what happened thinking of how long was I in there how long was I put in a state of not instance how long did I fall unconscious those thoughts plagued my mind until I finally saw the door to my Chambers open I read myself with fire and without realizing that I'm being able to do it extinctively now barely even focusing on my desire seeing it was only Zion it only seems that he was there to help me I saw him bringing in the plate of fresh meal seeing if he was going to check on me or not but the Dragon looking at it it looked overjoyed that I was awake finally seeing that I was awake it seemed to just climb on top of me and began to of smoke in my face again looking angry for one second and then beginning to lick me I said it was if it was angry at me for actually getting hurt I saw the burn marks on my hand that were supposed to be there have faded knowing this I would have to think that I was unconscious for long enough for my hands to be healed Hopefully Zion could explain to me how long it was unconscious for maybe even Zion could tell me how many moons I've been unconscious for it would be almost impossible to understand how long it would take me on my own but I can certainly ask him and see as Zion into the room he stated well boy you seem to be awake you've been out for a couple of moons now haven't you I've seen that you've forgotten to pack you any supplies I didn't expect you to be in there for so long I believe it would be five moons now that you've been sleeping I said to die on five moons by the Lord I've been out for 5 minutes with his overcoming a shock I began to remember something I remember the Sear wanting to see me in three moons I immediately got up and ran back to the gate or what I thought would be direction towards the gate running back to my tribe they probably thinking I'm dead with a worry in my step I didn't even notice the dragon was behind me following me Zion looking worried asking where I was going I told him I was heading to back to my tribe knowing that they would need me in the state of delirium I simply continue to run and run and run continuing on I finally made it to the gate it was closed I had to pull out the stones again remembering that I had them in my backpack for when the three moons have passed opening the gate I saw .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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