Chapter 05- The Meeting with Victor Vargas

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After the car spinned out of control, Emily heard a loud boom sound. Like metal hitting a foreign object. Emily felt whiplashed as she looked to see the man beside her and an unknown motor vehicle heading her way. She tapped the officer who was injured. The officer had gone through the windshield. She knew the man was dead; he wasn't moving or showing any signs of life. Oh shit–Oh my god! Emily thought as she covered her mouth. She was covered in the man's blood. Emily grabbed the radio and tapped it in morse code. "This is Detective Emily Parker, I have a wounded officer. We lost control of our vehicle and landed in a ditch off 1-86. I need all available units..." Emily radioed waiting for someone to call her.

Emily waited and waited for a reply when someone finally went on the radio. "What was that? 728" the operator replied, wanting to hear the radio from earlier. "I said, my name is Detective Emily Parker, me and a fellow officer just got into a car wreck. Something caused us to get off the road." Emily said, reporting back to the dispatcher. "Do you know what caused the car to get out of control–" the operator asked, before there were audio sounds of gunshots firing. Emily heard the voice of the suspect. Emily grabbed the gun and ran into the woods, she went behind a tree. "Come out, princess. You made a stupid mistake telling your name on the radio. Michael wants to speak to you. Come out willingly." the unknown man shouted, it echoed. Emily breathed heavily. Trying to keep her breathing quiet. She could hear footsteps coming all around her. Before, a screech of tires echoed at the crime scene. Sirens everywhere.

"HANDS UP!" the officers shouted, Emily gave a sigh of relief. They are here. They are here! I am safe– Emily thought as gunfire rang out. Emily waited for them to finish as several bullets were being fired. Then, it went quiet. "DETECTIVE EMILY PARKER! ARE YOU OUT HERE!?" one officer shouted, Emily walked out from behind the tree she heard from. Her hands in the air and the gun on the floor. "I grabbed the dead officer's gun as a defense from Michael's men. I am innocent. If you bring me to my district and check the cameras you can tell I had no part of Kohren's injuries or have I ever wanted Elijah Kane to be killed. Kohren's injuries and Elijah Kane's death was not on me. I never planned it. I was called by Elijah Kane to get information about the Puppeteer and Vargas." Emily said, her voice calm. They lowered their weapons and placed her in the vehicle without cuffs. They sped away from the scene telling a false report saying that there is in fact an officer's car and that someone else needs to handle the crime scene while they look for the other shooters.

Which was a lie and a ruse. They were in fact bringing her to a meeting. She was called to Victor Vargas's domain. A meeting with him. Emily was confused when they didn't arrive at the police station but, instead being brought in front of the Vargas Industry Corporation. "Why are we here?" Emily asked, her voice stunned and confused. "Because, Victor Vargas wants to talk to you. He made sure that we would do so or else he would practically shut down the district and sell it off for other people." the officer said, as he hopped out and opened the door. "Wait what?!-" Emily said, her voice in shock before she realized. Oh fuck, I remember now! The puppeteer promised, he said he would get me a meeting with Vargas. Emily thought to herself as she was walked into the building by police. Emily entered the elevator and she was still barefoot. She had no shoes on. The officers then realized how provocative her clothes were when she was caught. They were so concerned with getting her out of the crime scene they never realized that she was wearing a seductive red dress.

The officers removed his jacket and placed it on her. "Wear this, I don't want Vargas to get the wrong impression of one of our own to be a slut and before you ask, you have not been terminated from work at all. You are still getting paid." the officer said, with hatred in his voice.

Emily grabbed the jacket and placed it on her body. "I...I am sorry, I was escaping a kidnapping not that long ago. In fact, 24 hours after waking up in a random house and then plotting my escape. So, sorry for not robbing a place on the run in the woods." Emily said, trying to sugar coat the events that took place.

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