Chapter 13- The date with Lieutenant Santos

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Emily drove to the base and saw people panicking that they had lost Michael Sean. She was completely in shock. Everyone had lost their minds and Emily had stopped an officer. "What do you know is going on?" Emily asked, while holding on with him. "Detective Parker! You're finally here, where is Kohren?-" the officer asked, her voice sounding questionable as to wanting him close. "I am right here. We came from the scene of the puppeteer. It was a trap. He wasn't truly dead. He just wanted to get away like usual." Kohren said, her voice sounding curious. "Tell us. Where is Michael Sean?" Emily said, her voice sounding serious. She was annoyed, "Well, what happened was that Michael Sean was arrested, we did the check in and everything else together. We went to go do another check-in for him and he seemed fine until one of the officers shouted that something had happened." the officer said, while looking at Emily. Emily tilted her head curiously, "What exactly happened?" Emily asked, while Kohren was glaring and looked serious.

"We went to the room, they gave him a plate of food and we left it at that. We gave him a roommate and 3 days later, his roommate yelled for 'help' and we found him dead." the officer said, her voice sounding scared like she had done something wrong.

"Did anyone check his pulse?" Kohren asked, his voice serious and glaring at the officer.

"We checked, we checked his pulse–" the officer said, before Kohren cut her off.

"Who did? Give me a name. Who did the check up? Who pronounced him dead?" Kohren asked, his voice sounding serious. "Dr. Jenny Armstrong." the officer said, telling Kohren who it was. Kohren looked at Emily and sighed, "Fuck me, silly. My jesus christ, Jenny Armstrong is not gonna be an easy person to talk to when it comes to certain cases like this. She wants a warrant and it's gonna take days for this shit to happen." Kohren said, rubbing his face. "Oh? For you or for me?" Emily asked, her voice curious. "Let's just say me and her have a very...troubling past and it has to do with me leaving her in the aisle of..." Kohren said, waiting for her to connect the dots. "Don't tell me you left her at the altar..." Emily replied, her voice pleading for it not to be the truth. "I did...I left her at the altar due to a mission and well...she couldn't take it anymore and we broke up. She couldn't do it anymore." Kohren replied, his voice sounding sincere. "So, she broke it off and you two have had cold water ever since?" Emily replied, understanding the situation. "Yeah, me and her aren't exactly best buds since that situation. It was a messy breakup." Kohren explained, he didn't want to have a problem with Jenny Armstrong at all.

"I mean, we have to try her and see what we can do?" Emily suggested, while scratching her head. "Well, we do need the autopsy reports and more input into what she found and hear it from her mouth before diving into finding Michael Sean." Kohren replied, while looking at Emily. "Well, about that...Michael Sean's body never arrived into the it never made it there." the officer said, as it made both Kohren and Emily's minds stop. They were both dumbstruck, "How the fuck do you miss a body? A body that is the most valuable shit on the planet." Emily said, her voice sounding irritated. The officer was frightened by the sudden change of aura. "I...I don't know–" the officer said, her voice shaky. "Well, do me a favor and find Michael Sean's body! I need to see him actually dead not by word of the mouth and judging how the whole station has reeked into chaos. He might still be alive!" Emily said, as she looked at the rookie who was standing there. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? AN INVITATION?! GET FUCKING TO IT!" Kohren shouted, his voice sounding authoritative. The rookie officer ran off to make calls looking for Michael Sean and spreading the word around. Emily could feel herself silently losing it, all that hassle and all that planning for nothing. Catching Michael Sean was out of the window. She couldn't believe it at all. "He really got away." Emily replied, she should've known that could have been a possibility and she didn't think that far into the plans as to what was gonna happen. Emily was straight up panicking, she was having shortness of breath and couldn't think straight.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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