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Sept 2010 - Starr POV

I jumped up out of bed, feeling tears. I felt like something hit me like a tidal wave. I scrambled to my feet and ran to my bathroom. After I was done, I sat there thinking about the dream I just had.

I felt like I was walking down a long hallway, feeling lost and confused. It looked like the palace but looked like it was falling apart. As I walked, I felt like someone was following me so I turned around to look. I tripped and fell to the ground, cutting my hand on a piece of glass. "Damn it." I mumbled, looking at my hand kneeling on the floor. I saw someone's bare feet in front of me, with an anklet around the left ankle, with an 'A' on it. I looked up and gasped falling backwards. It was my sister. "A-ava? But you are dead." I said slowly standing up. "Yes, I am dead." She said. I looked at her closer and saw blood on her clothes, that were torn. Then she disappeared. "Ava, come back!" I yelled. Nothing but silence.. In the silence, I heard sobs. So I ran in the direction they were coming from, which was the old ballroom, so I walked in. I saw a little girl sitting in the middle of the room on a small hill that looked like dirt. She was surrounded by robed people who were whispering. The girl looked up at me with brown eyes. "Momma, please help me. I didn't mean to do it. Please. I am so sorry momma." She said crying. I ran toward the girl pushing through two robed men, but I didn't stop quick enough. She was sitting on top of a hill of dead bodies in the dirt, my father and siblings, along with their husbands and children. And right underneath her was Leo and a little boy with brown hair.

I could stop the sobs that racked through my chest. I got off the floor and walked to my room. When I did Jasper, my friend Alice's husband, was there in my room. He handed me a brown bag and left. I looked in it and saw a pregnancy test. 'Oh god.' I thought.

The next morning I woke up and got dressed. I went downstairs and saw Alice in the living room. "So?" She asked me. "You say anything I will kill you." I whispered then she hugged me. "I won't." She said. We walked past the dining room and into the kitchen. Everyone was already eating breakfast and sitting around the table talking. I walked into the kitchen and was hit by the smell of food, and ran to the nearest bathroom. Alice followed me though no one seemed to notice. "Seriously. How am I going to put up with this?" I asked looking at her. "You will get through it. Just calm down." Alice said. "Calm down." I asked about to go off on her. She looked at me and I sighed loudly. "He deserves to know, you know that right?" She asked looking at my stomach. I pushed my hair back. "I don't know if I can." I said "Well you need to. How do you think he will feel if he comes here and sees your belly?" Alice asked. I couldn't really respond to that. "Fine. I will tell him." I said.

We sat down for breakfast. I looked around the table at my family. It was my Father. My mother died when I was young, because of birth defects. My older sisters, Angel, Emily and Raven, are all married with kids. Then it's me, Alex and Andy, the triplets. My name is Starr. Then my half mortal sister Melody. Then it was Ava, who died a few years ago. Then Hope. Then the twins who died two days after they were born. We all live in the Dark Shadow Kingdom. Its part of the Providence Realm for vampires, werewolves, witches and other mystical beings. They are allowed to live in the mortal realm but have to stay hidden.

After breakfast, Andy was walking to the garage to get his car. "I wanna come with you." I told him. "You know you can't see him." Andy said. "Andy please. Don't make me beg. I need to." I said looking up at him. I grabbed his hand and stuck it on my stomach. "Please?" I asked feeling tears. He hugged me. "Fine. Just don't cry." Andy said.

Andy, Alice, and I left to go get Melody, my half mortal sister, at her high school. I leaned against the car as Andy and Alice sat in the front seat of Andy's car. It was a 2009 Mustang convertible. The final bell rang and I felt like I was going to pass out. I saw Melody and Leo walking toward the car. Leo stopped when he saw me so I walked over to them. "Hey." I said to him. He just looked at me then at Melody. "Umm, Mel can you go wait in the car?" I asked. "Sure." She said, then hugged Leo. After she was a distance away, Leo turned and started walking away. "Leo?" I asked. He stopped but didn't turned around. "I gotta catch my bus." He said. I pulled out a note and handed it to him. On the front it said 'For your eyes only'. "Talk to you later." He said walking off. I wrapped my arms around myself and walked to the car.

I stared out the window as we drove back to the house. When we got there, Spike, our father was in the family room with Alex and Luke. "Starr?" He asked as I ran up the stairs. I ran to my room and curled up on the bed holding my stomach. Alice followed me and held me as I cried. "Shh." She kept saying. I shortly fell asleep. When I woke up it was dark outside. I made up my mind. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a backpack. I filled it with some money and clothes. I went into Spike's room and opened the door that lead to the balcony. I used the rope to climb over the rail and down to the patio. I didn't see anyone in the family room so I peeked around the corner of the family room and saw everyone in the dining room eating. So I ran to the wall and slipped out of a hole that was made in the side. But I wasn't free, when I looked around I saw someone. It was a man that was standing next to the tree. "Hello Princess." He said with a smile. Then someone knocked me out and caught me before I hit the ground. When I came to, I was in a cage. I felt really thirsty, so I knew the baby was too. I saw someone standing at the doorway. "Well welcome Starr." the man said. "What...do...you...want." I said breathing deep. "We know about the baby. The half vampire, half lycan, abomination that's inside of you." He said. I swallowed as he laughed.

I sat in the cage knowing that they would find me, hoping it would be in time. Two men walked in opening the cage, grabbing me and pulling me out of the cage. Then they lead me outside. Once outside, I saw a wooden platform with a pole in the middle. "Oh god." I whispered and tried to pull away. "Oh no you don't." one of the guys said pulling me back. I kept fighting as they tied my arms and legs to the pole. "You are going to burn vampire. You and your abomination!" A guy yelled. I screamed as the fire started around me. I felt tears as I kept trying to get lose, I even felt my wrist bleed from the rope burns. "Leo!" I screamed out. Then I heard growls but I couldn't see through the smoke. Someone was behind me cutting me lose. "We got you sis." I heard Alex said. I felt the fire touch my leg and let out a loud screech. Alex picked me up and carried me to a hut. "I gotta help them." he said. "Go. I will be fine." I said holding my leg. He left to go fight. I looked around the hut to find some water to heal my leg faster. "You little witch." I heard behind me. I turned to look and it was the guy that kidnapped me. "This is your fault." he said and slapped me. I fell on the ground on my back. "I am going to kill you and that baby." he said. I crawled out of the hut into the open. He grabbed me, flipping me over. "Not so fast." he said with a dagger in on of his hand. I screamed as he raised his other hand and punched me in the face. Then he raised the hand with the dagger. But before it came down, I saw blood then passed out hearing someone yell "Let me go."

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