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The ocean swept across Fatespeaker's claws, as dark and speckled with stars as her own scales. She'd never been so close to the sea before.

Growing up, the Talons of Peace had hidden her and the other dragonets away from any open areas, in which they would be spotted. Which is totally not cool. Considering how beautiful this is.

Fatespeaker lay on the beach, her front talons out to touch the gentle waves as she watched the moon's reflection ripple slowly in the water. She could hardly believe there was a whole other world out there, on the other side of the vast ocean. Well not quite the other other side, Fatespeaker thought. She was halfway across the sea, on one of Clearsights islands, and on a VERY important mission. In fact, it might be the most important mission in the world.

She stood up slowly, wincing as she shook the sand from her sore wings. She had been flying for the past two days, with very few breaks to catch her breath. And she still had more flying to do, to get to the lost continent, or Pantala as the dragons from there called it. All the flying would be worth it. I can't wait to meet the new students! I wonder if they will get along?  The totally will! I just know it. In fact, I FORESEE...

Fatesepeaker frowned. It had been eight years since she'd been first told that there was no such thing as NightWing powers. That they had been made up and it was so crazy, Fatespeaker still couldn't believe it. Her visions felt SUPER REAL. Okay, so some of them hadn't come true. Maybe most of them hadn't come true. But still, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had some sort of future-seeing powers.

She walked back to the campsite, raking her talons through the sand. The beach was dark and quiet, and she felt a sudden gratitude that Sunny and Pineapple had come with her. She could see there figures about thirty feet away. Sunny's gold scales and Pineapple's cyan scales stood out and were easy to see in the faint moonlight. She made her way over to them.

They had created a sort of makeshift campsite, by digging out a pit for a few logs, which Sunny had set ablaze with her fire. Sunny was roasting a few lizards over the pit and she looked up when she saw Fatespeaker. "Are you hungry?" she asked, offering Fatespeaker a lizard, which she gratefuly took.

She settled in the sand beside Pineapple, who was eating a prickly, red fruit.

"I'm so tired." Fatespeaker complained.

"Me too." Pineapple said. "But we are halfway there, so we we'll arrive in Pantala soon."

Fatespeaker noticed him brighten up. She could tell he was looking forward to seeing his best friend again. "Are you excited to see Luna again?" she asked him.

A rose colour spread across Pineapple's scales. "Yeah." he nodded. "We've been visiting each other as much as we can, but we both have lives in own continents."

Fatespeaker nodded. The Silkwing from Pantala was her friend too. She totally understood why Pineapple was best friends with her. She was totally awesome.

"It will be really nice to tell her about the Academy." Pineapple said thoughtfully.

Right! The Clearsight Academy! Fatespeaker felt a bubble of excitement as she thought about the reason they had come all this way. We are doing this to bring dragons together. Talons united, she thought, remebering the prophecy Moon had told her about, all those years ago. She squashed down a little feeling of envy. Why did Moon get to have all those fancy powers while Fatespeaker didn't? She shook her head. Moon was really deserving of those powers and besides, Fatespeaker definately had powers too. The world just didn't know it yet.

Night came and Fatespeaker lay curled in the sand, sandwhiched between Sunny and Pineapple. The latter was snoring softly while the SandWing radiated warmth from her golden scales. Fatespeaker shuffled a little closer to the warmth. She looked at Pineapple. He'd come so far to trust her, a NightWing, after everything his tribe had been through. It will never happen again, Fatespeaker thought fiercly. Because dragons have made the world a better place. Dragons like Clay and Tsunami and Sunny and Starflight. She felt warm at the thought of Starflight. She wondered what he was doing at that very moment. Probably in the Jade Mountain Library, she thought, smiling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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