Chapter One: The Pickle Thief!

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“I can’t believe you!” said the blonde driving the sedan with the peeling blue paint.

The sandy haired, fair faced young man in the passenger seat turned with a smile to see his new wife with an equal smile on her face.

“How was I supposed to know the prize was going to be a huge barrel of pickles?” said he, giggling like crazy.

“That’s the county fair for you, pushing off excess goods they can’t hope to sell and calling them prizes!” the young woman said as the car barreled down the Rhode Island highway at seventy-two miles per hour.

These two twenty-five year old people are newlyweds, having been married only three months ago. The blond girl, who goes by Ruby, is quite the cheerful girl and good at basketball, despite only being five foot six.

She was the third most wanted by the boys back in hig school, second only to a tall volleyball player and the cheer captain, and seeing as they were quickly snatched up by football jocks, that made Ruby the target of a bunch of boys asking her out and leaving notes in her locker, creeps and otherwise.

The boy who won her heart?

The unlikely Max Stevenson. The definition of nerd squared, complete with round-framed glasses. That being said, he has the fairest face out of many. He is quite smart and he graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a degree in architectural design.

Ruby was so excited when Max came back home. While she passed high school just fine, she had straight C’s and she had no clue what she’d go to college for.

So she got a job at McDonald’s, vowing she’d get a house before Max’s first summer break.

After several months of saving paycheck after paycheck, she had enough to buy a two-story house in a nice neighborhood. The previous owner had inherited a bigger house with more land out in Pennsylvania. So he wasn’t looking for full price, that’s not what he was out to get. He just wanted it out of his name so he wasn’t paying property taxes on a place in a state he wasn’t going to be living in anymore.

With the little extra money left over, she brought a beat up blue car, which her and her dad fixed up. She was very happy to not have to bike the six miles to her job anymore, though with her new house, it would only be four.

Max had come back on his first summer vacation while Ruby was in the process of moving. Her father repeatedly reminded her how lucky she got with the house, even if it has small front and back yards.

Instead of questioning anything, Max immediately started to help Ruby’s dad repair the busted sink. He took note of the countless broken windows.

After fixing the sink, he inspected the whole house and began to realize why Ruby got it so cheap. From the busted sink, to blankets covering broken windows, to the ragged carpeting in the master and guest bedrooms.

Max only saw these as things on his to-do list, and not as hores that a parent may task their child.

Over the summer, Max, Ruby, and Ruby’s dad fixed up the house. It soon became quite the nice house with these fix-ups.

Max also promised Ruby that he’d move in, just as soon as he finished college. Then he proposed to her then and there. It was quite the heartwarming sight!

And now, speeding along the highway to the house in a beat-up, blue sedan with a giant barrel full of jars of pickles strapped to the roof, these two newlyweds are on their way, the future on the horizon. If only they knew what was in their near future!

Well, whatever the future holds, they get home soon enough. Ruby makes a point to make a silly face at the front porch camera. This is one of the cameras set up by Max.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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