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It was late evening and noone was outside, it was only you, surrounded by rain and your deepest thoughts.

So.. this is it.

You looked at the river, deep under the bridge you were standing on. You watched the drops fall into the water.

This is the end.

You lost everything to ghouls. Your family. Your friends. You were all alone. You didn't have a place to go.

I'm gonna end it here. It's for the best.

Your hair and clothes were completely soaked and made you feel cold, but something about this coldness felt right. You have already accepted your end.

You climbed on the stone railing of the bridge. Just one step forward and it's done.

Just one step...

,,H-hey! You!" You heard a voice. You turned your head and your eyes met with a grey ones, belonging to a young boy with a green hair. This boy's eyes widened in terror.

They're so young. Why are they doing this?

He was able to let out only one word.


You looked at the boy in sadness. You didn't really want to explain him all the things that happened in your life to a complete stranger, but you don't even know how, you and him ended up sitting there and talking.

You told him that the ghouls killed your family. That you're all alone and have no place to go. That life no longer has any value for you.

And this boy listened. He kept silent and looked at you, but his eyes said it all. For some reason you felt understood.


That night you were just a step away from ending it. But looking into this stranger's eyes, it was the moment when you realised it. You couldn't have saved your family. You couldn't have done anything. But there is something you can do now.

You couldn't have saved them, but you can save at least someone else. You can try to make sure that the others won't share the fate of getting killed by ghouls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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