CHAPTER 12: Trickster

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In Houston, Texas at the Founder's Houston Operations Post Elite Police Department or the Founder's H.O.P.E. PD, its as any other day with normal foot traffic throughout the precinct.

"Hey old man?!"

The true grit noir square jaw perlman features has a box full of his personal things; Tiki lamp, Child's French Cookery, The Art of Feng Shui, Loving Thyself in Guru, Nenpy the Dancing Clown Bobblehead Nigella potted flower, Nicaraguan Cigars in a 1942 silver German case with Vasily E.G. Koulikov etched on it, a bottle of Wolfwood Reserved Bourbon, several Award plaques and a vinyl record of the Best of Blues with Bernie Viceroy. Wearing his favorite black leather Homburg fedora and a long sleeve suede trench coat, black wingtips with white spats, black pleated suit and pearl white silk button down French cuff shirt with a red trim stripes matched along a crimson silk tie. His stature of a broad shoulder muscular tone man, as his persona of a man of war, the gentle giant standing at 6'7', quiet observer, Holmes intellectual and a Close Quarters Combatant.

Trained in various weaponry during his time in the Royal Marines Division before marrying an American actress, Bette Price and moved to America. Soon after, joining the police force and became career driven, causing his marriage to fall apart. Married three times in his life and several semi serious relationships; four children from two marriages and one daughter from an estranged relationship, Marilyn Mason. She followed in her father's footsteps, becoming a New York City detective working alongside Shawn Dresden, the Mentalist Holmes.

He turned to face a basic formatted office, stripped of his personal belongings, leaving only a solid oak desk with a leather padded wheelchair, compact personal computer. Particularly despised it due to his computer illiterate and solely preferred the old fashioned way. Leaving his name plate Senior Detective Peter Samuel on the front of the desk.

The Chief of Police McGavin is at the top of the lobby stairs, when he calls out to Samuel,

"Heeeyy Samuel, wait up!"

Stops pausing to breathe in heavy before turning around slowly, clearly eager to leave but out of respect for his former commander calmly responds,

"Yes Thomas... what is it?"

Thomas is just two inches shorter and is a slender man, but seen more wars than Samuel and the precinct just celebrated last week his 71st birthday and 31 years of the Force. They are the last of the old guard of soldiers in the Force, whereas surrounded by younger generations and some being 3rd generation families. A gentleman's smirk with jolly tone,

"Is that any way to speak to your former Commander!"

"Whatever this is... you know I put in my papers for retirement?!"

"Not entirely... Janice has yet to file them into our database."

"Wait... what?!"

Chuckles as if up to no good and Samuel has an inquisitive stare,

"What exactly did you do Thomas?!"

Calmly sarcastic tone,

"What did I say about being unprofessional with your commanding chief?!"

Wide eyed and appears to have figured what happened, while having dissatisfied tone,

"You purposely shredded by paperwork and boldly lied to me when giving me your sendoff."

Tilts his head to the side and looks generally to the left,

"Weeellll... you're a very liked and many of us value you your special traits."

Breathes in heavy while looking sternly and speaks bluntly,

"You're looking to the left, indicating you are implementing memories and falsifying other officers' compliance in their reports, due to my extreme orthodox methods of neuroticism, egotistical profiler, borderline harassment, know-it-all, literalist Houdini... should I go on?!"

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