CHAPTER 2: Visions

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Santa Monica is playing on the radio as Adam is driving down U.S. Route 395, which intertwines into John-Day Burns Highway. This leads straight towards Grant Union High School. Driving like a maniac whereas during this time, there is very little to no traffic at all; trying to reach his school before the late bell for homeroom in hopes. Out of the corner of his peripheral vision notices on his way to Canyon City that there are some flashing lights coming over the horizon of the desert-like region of Oregon. As the lights become more apparent, instantly recognizes the police vehicle as a Seneca tan colored car. The closer it gets, it is obvious it's after him and is frustrated with the fact that he is going to be delayed even further. Quickly glancing at the digital clock on the car stereo shows 8:25am. Irascible hits the steering wheel while cursing up a storm,


The officer flashes his lights to indicate for him to pull over to the side of the road.

Not wanting to get into any form of trouble with the law and jeopardize his football career, he pulls immediately over into the dirt path off the side of the highway. It is not as well maintained as the tarred road. There is a lot of uneven levels from constantly being walked upon by the animals and reckless drivers avoiding these stupid critters and weather impacting it, creating craters not so good for the tires.

Once he pulled over and let out his frustration sees out of the rear-view mirror as the officer took their time in exiting their vehicle, but surprisingly it was Sheriff Sam Harrison. After realizing who pulled him over, he becomes more relaxed as the two have good standing with one another.

Even though the two have a positive relationship, he is still the sheriff of Seneca and that still is not good and so avoiding any hardships will be tricky.

The sheriff's car is an old classic 1960s Plymouth with customized light fixtures on the interior of the dashboard.

There is something odd about Sam even though he is in his late sixties, he acts more so like a twentysomething person. Getting impatient with the wait as he strikes the steering wheel with his head a few times and happens to see that appeared to be not normal for the sheriff. In a blink of an eye there is this intense shiver that Sam is doing and Adam shakes his head thinking it is due to the stress of everything. Looking back in the rear-view mirror, Sam finishes gathering his things and does not appear to have this intense shiver of just his head.

Trying to figure a way to ease himself out of this dilemma, figures he can talk about Ben, his son, which the two were best friends in grade school. Sam finally steps out of his squad car retrofitted with customized auto locks which are reinforced making it impossible to break the door open no matter how hard you hit it from the inside; bulletproof glass all around with one that separates him and the suspect with high impact resistant grille for added protection for the driver and partner up front. He is intently staring with his hand at the ready on the holstered Colt Official Police .38 Special that Ben showed when they were kids and the two thought that was the coolest gun. Ben also told him that his dad favored that over any other gun the department has given over the years as he deemed it his lucky charm and would never get rid of it. He only had to use it one time but ever since then he was always cautious about the possibility of ever needing to use it again.

The surrounding area is lush with greenish landscape with bushes, tall grass, flourishing giant Cedar trees; parts of route 395, before John Day Highway there are bits and pieces scattered throughout deserts as well as barren landscapes. The day is warm from the exposure to the sun with a cool breeze every so often passing by. Birds are chirping away as this is their normal routine and are as happy as can be with their catchy tune.

The area they are in is lush with greenish landscape with bushes, tall grass, flourishing giant Cedar trees. Some parts of Route 395 before becoming John Day Highway, has bits and pieces scattered throughout the desert, barren landscape. Birds are chirping with the sun shining brightly and rays giving a glaze of warmth to the area. A mild breeze comes and goes giving a neutral feeling of comfort. There are several different types of birds inhabiting the area, such as; the American Robin, Spotted Towhee, American Goldfinch, Anna's Hummingbird, Song Sparrow, Red-tailed Hawk and Great Horned Owl.

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