Chapter 1 Lonely Night

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          I sit on the roof looking up at the stars and the brightly shining full moon admiring them.  There was always something about space that pulled my gaze towards it. Somewhere up there was my home, lost to time. Yet on earth was where I stayed, my home away from home. I was safe and sound living a normal life. I felt the breeze blow on my face and into the open window behind me. My wooden door slams behind me from the force of the wind. I sighed and closed the window slightly to avoid that. I was self-conscious about the fact that inches away from my feet was the edge of the roof. I had to be careful. 

      'Oh, quite a beautiful night' I think. The Doctor must be up there somewhere. It had been a long and frustrating week; I saw the stars out and I went out on the roof to get away from everyone. Wanted to have some alone time. And what better place than being alone against the starry night sky. 

It's ironic that I had to be careful where I was on the roof. I could fall off, there was risk in this freedom. It reflected on my risk to be who I was. An alien. One that also was hiding on earth from enemies that I had never known why they were so intent on catching me or hurting me. I was the Doctors daughter. That alone had mysteries of its own. I was no closer to discovering what so many of my enemies had wanted from me. I longed to see the Doctor again. To run away and work through my mysteries. 

I was in hiding but a part of me really longed for danger and adventure. 

        A sudden blue glow like a star suddenly shimmered in the sky, it was big but indistinguishable from the darkened sky. It flew across the moon and then the object seemed to fly down and land in my backyard. I grinned squinting in the darkness. I knew one person with a light like that. One name came to my mind. The Doctor was back. 

   "Doctor?" I spoke curiously under my breath. I knew I had to investigate. I climbed back inside and closed the window even turning off my light. I was quick but precise with my movements. I snuck down our old wooden stairs and found the main floor of the house empty, all my family had gone to bed. I wanted to avoid my human family in any suspicion that I was sneaking out. I managed to get outside and snuck towards where I saw it land. It was a special spot the Doctor put back there just for him to land his Tardis, A square of concrete standing in the patch of grass in my yard. 

 I stood standing in my back yard knocking on the door of the mysterious blue box that stood upright in front of me. It glowed blue reminding me of how magical it always was. "Doctor? Hello?"

    It didn't take long before the door swings open revealing Clara at the door. "Hello Katrina. Why are you up this late?" She asked slightly surprised to see me.

 "I was sitting on the roof when I saw the Tardis fly across the moon."

 She looked at me curiously "On the roof?" Seeing her confusion, I helped clear it up. 

"Oh! It's a good place to see the stars, perfect for star gazing." She smiles and lets me in, I see the Doctor by the console wearing his usual bowtie and brown jacket.

 "Hey Katrina!" He grins finishing flicking another switch on the console. I smile widely and run towards him tackling him in a hug. 

Clara starts walking towards the door. "Well, I will be off then, Doctor, can you drop me off?" She speaks. He finished hugging me and flips another switch on the console. I walk over to Clara. "You're leaving?" 

She looks at me then the Doctor. "Yeah, I'm tired. And I want to give you and the Doctor a father, Daughter adventure."

 I reply, "Oh that makes sense, Thanks." The Tardis lands and Clara prepares to go out the door. 

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