Chapter 3 Emotions

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   I shake the drowsiness off my limbs rushing to the Tardis. I open the doors and stumble inside. I had to get to Katrina. I don't know who the woman was that caught her, but I know I could trace the teleport I detected with my sonic. Katrina knew she had been stalked by her as well as likely other enemies, she's still new to her abilities and her timelord self, what secrets or powers the enemies were after couldn't be good. "Ahh come on!" I shake my hand also being sluggish since the paralysis wore off. Or more or less I got up early forcing my body to cooperate. Women were always quicker to recover from a nerve attack like that. 

I get the Tardis to copy the coordinates I tracked from the teleport and set it into motion hearing the familiar wheezing of the ship taking off. I focus on Katrina with my mind trying to communicate using telepathy I can tell she's far away I can connect with her mind but It's like the distance is too much or its being interfered with by something. 'Katrina? where are you? I'm coming!' "Ok girl, we have to get to Katrina." I yell to the Tardis working the controls. 


I try to fight back mentally against the Cyberplanner doing a mental block, but I'm struggling to hold it "Get out of my head!" An intense headache started growing as the Cyberplanner is quickly taking over my mind completely. I'm losing control and feeling my mind getting controlled. 

He talks in my head 'Just let go. It will hurt less, and you can't hold me back forever.'  I hold my head in agony "Ahh!" I know he's right fighting against the Cyberplanner was like running against the wind, I was losing. My head struck with agony.

"Why do you want my mind so much!" I scream out. "Stop!" 

 'You'll see.' His voice echos in my head following more pain. I was losing all control to my body my mind was being overwhelmed by this technology. I was determined to keep fighting but his control was easing me into logic and machines. It felt natural to let my logical side connect to this technology. I couldn't fight it any longer I let go of the fight hoping the Doctor would be able to save me.

 As he enters my mind completely, I hear and see the TARDIS materializing in the corner of the room. I smile deviously "Well looks like the Doctors here."

The Cyberplanner looks in the direction of the Tardis "Hope he's ready to see his new incorporated cyber daughter.


I take a couple of steps out of the Tardis "Katrina! Are you..." I suddenly realized what had happened. Katrina steps out of the Darkness and I see the fancy bunch of technology blinking and working connected to the side of her head. 

"Ello dad." She grins horribly at me and then looks at the Cyberplanner next to her giving him the time to talk. "Well well Doctor. We meet again." He smirks. "You came just in time.

I glare at him. "I agree. Just in time to save my daughter" I say boldly. 

"Oh, that won't be happening you see I have taken over her entire mind. She's, mine Doctor. And there's nothing you can do to stop me. I've gotten stronger than last time. Defeating me won't be as easy this time especially when you're fighting your own daughter." He looks at Katrina then lunges, knocking me over.

I grab him by the arms and rolls over, pinning him to the ground "I will destroy you, Cyberplanner."

 He smirks. "Oh, will you?"

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