The walk

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As I was walking to school at first I could just hear the snow crunching under my boots and the sound of my voice singing a melody. Me and Jason had spilt up so I was alone.. or was I? I stopped walking to pick up something I had dropped when I stopped I kept hearing the sound of crunching snow. 

I looked behind and and screamed. To my surprise there was a boy with black curly hair and beautiful hazel eyes. "Sorry didn't mean to startled you" He said. I felt a weird feeling was I in love with this random boy? "Oh don't worry I just thought I was alone" I said then he looked at me weirdly. "what is matter?" I asked? "Oh it's just..." he stopped and looked down. "Can you finish?" I asked. 

"Oh yeah I uh.. like your british accent" he responded with. My face might of became red. "Thank you uh.. I like your hair" I said not knowing how to compliment him. "Oh and your very good at singing too" he said well scratching the back of his neck.  I stopped "WHAT! How much did you hear!?" I screamed at him. "A lot" He said

 I saw the schoolhouse in the distance. "Oh by the I'm Gilbert, Gilbert Blythe" He said. "Well it's nice to meet you I'm Y/N Coeur" I said back. We talked a lot and became good friends.

"Brrrrr" I said shivering. I forgot my scarf... A HUGE MISTAKE! "Hey are you okay?" Gilbert asked. He's voice was soft and lovable. "Oh yes I just forgot my scarf and it's quit cold out". "You can have mine" He said. I got surprise and probably looked like a tomato. I could have his scarf well OF COURSE! "Sure?" I said back. He puts it on me and it's warm and smells great. 

A/N: I will work on the next chapter soon so don't die!

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