Chapter - 10

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Look at Me! I've Grown Up
Xianwang -Wattpad

Upon entering the room, the first thing he did was check the drawers. In a few seconds, he found out where everything was and he also noticed that Wei Ying is a heavy sleeper, so despite the noise he continued sleeping, he left the room and went to the kitchen. It was still seven in the morning, so he had plenty of time. When he entered, he saw people from the sect. He asked for permission to use the kitchen. They agreed, looking at him tenderly. The first thing he did was look for a small wooden stool, because it was still difficult for him to reach the pot completely, after a few minutes he finally got it and started cooking Wei Ying's breakfast.

Since he still didn't know the location of everything in the kitchen, it took a little longer but he finished, now it was time to wake him up. He returned to the room and saw that he was still asleep. He approached him and the first thing he did was talk to him. It didn't work. He started to move him a little but nothing happened. Then he tapped him on the face, nothing was happening. He thought that the last option would be to push him out of bed. As a last attempt, he pulled him by the arm while telling him to wake up. After several minutes, it worked. He saw how he began to open his eyes.


He found it strange that Jiang Cheng was not so abrupt that morning to wake him up, he always kicked him away from the bed, he listened in his dreams as someone called him and he also felt tugs on his arm when he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was golden eyes with a frown. Frowning, he was surprised to see that it was not Jiang Cheng but Lan Zhan.

When he saw him he got up quickly while looking at him sadly.

- Hello Lan Zhan, apparently Jiang Cheng sent you to wake me up, I'm sorry for that.

- He didn't send me - He said while shaking his head - I wanted to do it.

- ...... Thank you Lan Zhan What time is it?

- It's nine o'clock.- It had taken him an hour to wake him up.

- What? It's still very early Lan Zhan.- He said lamentingly, he normally got up between ten and eleven in the morning.

Noticing that he wanted to go back to sleep, he handed him a towel and dragged him out of the room while listening to his complaints, he took him to the bathroom and closed the door while he returned to tidy up a little and leave some clean robes folded neatly on the bed next to him. Finishing, he went back to the kitchen to bring the food.


Seeing the door close, he resigned himself to cleaning and when he finished he went back to his room only to find everything organized and some clean robes on his bed. Apparently Lan Zhan thought that he should do that since he was married to him after everything was what they taught him in that class. He decided to talk to him about it. He thought while he was getting dressed. Just when he was standing in his typical line, someone entered the room. He froze when he saw Lan Zhan coming in with a tray of food and leaving them on the counter bed while he sat next to him, he approached him to eat while he asked him if he had already eaten, he only received a settlement from him when he finished, he decided to make things clear, it was not necessary for him to do those things, and if his mother finds out, she will talk to him with Zidian until they get tired.

- Lan Zhan I remember telling you that you will forget all those rules, you don't need to do this, you are here to cultivate.

- I don't do it out of obligation but because I want to.

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