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I hated when people fucked with my money

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I hated when people fucked with my money .

Almost as much as I hated people.

I glanced at Igor the sorry sap, running his hands through his hair. I know he could feel my gaze. He shifted, before a loud sigh escaped his lips.

"Rory! Stop staring at me and look at the road!"

"Then tell me what the fuck your keeping to yourself." I growled out, unclipping my gun from my side holster and pointing it at his head. "Speak."

"Fuck you! You crazy bitch! Fine! Lower the God damn gun you psychotic nut case! "

I smirked lowering my fire arm as he shook in his seat. The big idiot knew I wouldn't shoot him..

Well atleast not anywhere vital.

"брат speak up before I loose my patience!" I raised am eyebrow, casually glancing at the road as we neared the docks. The smell of salt water and gunpowder blew through the heater vents as we neared our destination. (Russian| брат  Brother/Brat)

"Arseni Yegor. "

That name. That stupid fucking name sent a livid chill right through my soul. As I mashed on the breaks. Skidding to a hault in the middle of the road. My gaze sharp, cold and if it was deadly I'm sure my brother would be 6 ft under right now.

"Oh? Prey tell why that piece of shits name just came flying out of your mouth."

"He's um waiting at the docks for you.. Dmitri called late last night and informed me Arseni had actually retrieved our goods from a low life who was trying to drop em off for whatever cash he could get his hands on."

I could only nod. I didn't want to deal with the man who awaited our arrival. So I casually let my foot off the break and continued towards the docks.

The warehouses soon surrounded the vehicle as I pulled into the parking spot closest to the side office door. Sliding out the front seat with Igor hot on my trail.

This particular warehouse was clean. Neat. My heels clicked on the smooth concrete floor, the eyes of my loyal army nodded in my direction before scampering back to their tasks.

"Miss. Solovyov! I prepared your tea! Mr. Yagor , is currently in your office awaiting your arrival!"

I nodded to my secretary. Grabbing my tea from her gloved hands. She was a good one. Never questioned my no skin contact rule.

I glanced back at Igor as I neared my office. "Grab Ivan and Dmitri. Now" i snapped out, my patience had already left the building. I was positive I wouldn't be getting it back anytime soon.

"Of course boss." He assured as he rushed off down the stairs in search of my two right hand men.

I stilled myself. Taking a calming breath as I entered my office quickly making it to my desk and taking a seat. My train of thoughts interrupted by a disturbingly deep voice.


"Ahh if it isn't Avrora Solovyov. Pleasure to meet you."

He was handsome. I'd give him that. Deep black hair, with eyes the color of gold so bright the sun surely was jealous. His hands covered in ink , and some even popping out of the collar of his suit that clung to him like a second skin.

I'd heard the rumors though. Read the blogs and news articles. He was dirty. He loved women, nights out on the town and was a ruthless competitor in the underground organized crime syndicate.

I pulled myself from my own musings as he stood and thrust his hand towards me.

Absolutely fucking not.

I grimaced and stared at his out stretched hand. My gloved ones clasped tight on my desk, as I made no move to shake his own. The thought alone seemed ludacris .

"My apologies Mr. Yegor. I don't shake hands. Much to personal." My voice dark and firm, I stood my ground though. Like i saod before no crackpot was going to show up and change my mind. I wanted this man out of my personal space, put of my building, out of my life. He was much too close. I could smell his cologne. See the veins in his neck pumping blood. Could hear him literally breathing. It was all so repulsive.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts before I did anything too rash, standing before stepping out the door, beckoning him to follow me. "I do appreciate your help in recovering my property Mr. Yegor-"

"Please call me Arseni. " He interrupted rudely.

"Fine. Arseni. Anyways I'm assuming you wish to to be paid for your efforts. Or have some favor in mind?" I smiled. It was fake but regardless. Men always wanted something in return.

"Actually I did have something in mind."

Called it.

"I was originally going to ask for a small finders fee but now. I'd really like to have you as my plus one at my annual charity auction. Be my date we will call it even. "

His voice was smug. As he stepped into my personal bubble, and tilted my chin up so I looked into those golden pools he called eyes.

I tensed. I could feel the rough pad of his finger on my skin as my own skin crawled. I stepped back and did the only logical thing that came to mind as I whipped out my switch blade and before he could blink, slashed the middle of his palm. Pinkey to thumb. His breathing deeper as he watched the blood well out of the gash. His brows furrowed and molten eyes piercing into my own.

"I'll advise you this once to stay out of my space Mr. Yegor. If some charity auction makes us even wonderful. Let my secretary know as you leave." I uttered out as calmy as I could, despite the inner turmoil that was currently assaulting my brain.

I spotted Igor and motioned him over. His eyes where wide as he had watched the whole scene i could see the worry in his eyes before his murderous attention snapped to Arseni.

My body was coiled up like a noose and I needed to get the fuck out of there.

"Igor, assist Mr. Yegor in unloading my goods." Glancing up at a stunned Arseni I nodded. "Good day Mr. Yegor. "

I pivoted and my heel and stalked towards my personal bathroom. Another assistant hot on my trail as we disappeared from view.


Translation Russian : брат Brother/Brat

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