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The following day was not bright just the way I thought it would be with Piero completely neglecting my presence as he walked past me earlier this morning at breakfast.
The press would soon be discerned about the two families joining their forces and taking matters one step forward but what concerns me more is about a certain someone finding about it nevertheless I will have to stick up with my decision.

Once the amalgamation of the two families is out in the world, Renato and I will have to make a statement infront of the press confirming the news with our families as well click a decent amount of pictures showcasing the beginning our new lives as one at the event.

I sat at the far most seat from the front of the class dreading about the day already when I saw him come in and locked his gaze with me which he usually cuts off quickly but today he continued staring at me with anger quite visible to any eye so this time I played his part, I diverted my eyes before it could inflict any kind of emotions onto him.

I've come on terms with the fact that there's no ounce of possibility of Luciano choosing me over the monsters dancing in his head constantly driving him away from me but I'd be lying if I say that I do not hold onto this fragile thread of belief that he will come for me until then I've sealed my fate with a man who will crush me in his conquest of owning every land he steps his foot on.

To my surprise I find Luciano making his way towards me, placing his bag on the corner of the chair he sat beside me so I stood up at once moving two rows away from ours but was held back with Luciano holding my wrist "Sit back" he said which was more like an order I tried to loosen his grip on me but who am I kidding, he's obviously stronger than me "Please" he said now in a much subtle tone as I sat back on my seat when he let go of my hand.

It seemed as if the old him was back, Luciano looked at me all the while the class went on and I let him partly because I wanted this and I missed it more than anything in the world yet somehow I didn't let my emotions get the best of me thereby displaying no sense of joy for the moment.

The ache that I likely thought had gone resurfaced on it's own realizing that not only I'm going to get engaged to someone whom I don't love but also lose myself in that process unable to push back the sudden urge to throw up I rushed outside the class room at once running towards the washroom.

I felt someone pull away my hair falling infront of me giving light pats on my back while I almost empty everything inside my stomach aimlessly holding onto the person leading the way towards the lavatory I washed my face and rinsed my mouth to get rid of the foul taste from my mouth.
I looked up horrified to see Enzo watching me with carefull eyes "Hey I...uhm actually saw you run past me in the corridor" stepping a bit away from me understanding the situation we were in "Curiosity took the best of me so I followed you here and well I uh saw you throw up. I thought to be of some help" he said all in one go trying to come clean chuckling inwardly, I said
"Not creepy at all"
"See I was just worried about you" his eyes softened when he said it
"Yea I'm okay. I guess I ate something bad"
"You sure that you don't need to visit the infirmary" raising his eyebrows he enquired "Uh no I hope so anyways thanks, my hair definitely needed a help" giving him a sincere smile because I hardly remember the last time I genuinely smiled I went back to the class gladly the teacher didn't bombard me with any questions and let me in quietly.

As I took my seat Luciano looked up at me with anticipation and worry in his eyes before he could pop the question "I'm all good. Ate something bad" I said and this actually works every fucking time, I saw his shoulders relax "You sure that you don't need to visit the infirmary" he asked which made me smile again reminding me how his brother asked the exact same question I move my head sideways while he gave me a disappointed look "You tell me if something goes wrong" he said leaning towards me "Why should I?" he gave me a confused look unable to comprehend what I just said.

"Why am I supposed to tell you? I mean we're practically strangers" I said pointing out the obvious but was soon taken off guard when he suddenly pulled me close to me and whispered "We're anything but strangers Cicci. And I don't need to tell you that but yes you can happily stay in denial if you want" pulling away he leaned back to his chair now focusing on the lecture as if this conversation never happened.

The bell for the recess rang and I went towards the cafeteria to find Lola saving me a seat already she looked up at me waving her hand "Hiiieeee bestiieeee" taking me in a quick hug and then the soul of the gossip aunt came inside of her as she sat with a straight face "Spill the gossip" her eyes sparkled with excitement as I looked at her dumbfounded and amazed how she knows it before I even tell her "Dudee literally everyone is talking how Luciano were all eyes to you" "Do you think he hit his head in his way to school and he suddenly realizes that oh I'm in love with her or oh I can't live without her" she said in a dramtice tone "I hardly believe that but yes it looked as if the old him was back" while I still narrated the incident sudden low murmurs filled the room.

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