My Warrior Daughter

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AN ~ I know Reece Hawkins isn't the best of people but he's how I imagine Arles to be, feel free to picture him differently.
Enjoy ❤️

Maeve Loyce Kallis

Maeve 'she who rules, the warrior queen and goddess of love.'
Loyce 'renowned warrior, fearless and determined.'
Kallis 'most beautiful.'

Everyone who wasn't friends or family called her Loyce, after her Fathers's passing little Maeve became a broken version of herself. The loud and bubbly girl became driven and hardworking. She was angry. Angry at the moon goddess for taking her Father. Angry at the wolves that murdered him in battle and angry at herself for not being stronger and crumbling for months after the attack.

Now she was better in her eyes. The strongest warrior in the pack. Although she was only named that due to the fact that she couldn't be granted any title such as Beta or Gamma as they were filled with well-trained individuals already. The whole pack knew she could take on even the Alpha in a fair fight. Her Beta blood being a huge contribution to this but her powerful wolf and courageous mannerisms were another factor. Whilst she had changed and become less outgoing, one thing was for sure. She didn't take anyone's shit. No one talked down to her, and if they did, they'd see how far their mouth really got them. Usually pressed against the ground with a few broken bones.

She had a good upbringing. She was loved by her parents and had a good relationship with her siblings. It was strange that the death of her father had affected her to the point of violence. Underneath her rude and calloused exterior to those who weren't close to her, she was sweet and gentle, tutoring some of the pack pups that needed a little extra help. Secretly, she couldn't wait to meet her mate and have pups of her own. She'd always wanted to be a mother and without her Father around anymore the thought scared her. She'd never give up on the dream though. She didn't care of her mates status, she didn't care what he looked like or how tall he was like other she wolves did. All she cared for was that she was loved and respected. Her father treated her mom like a goddess and she expected nothing less from her own mate, she would in turn treat him exactly the same.

Despite wanting a mate, she was afraid. She was 19 and yet to find her mate. Most wolves found theirs between their 16th and 18th birthday but could be faintly detected depending on a wolfs status at the age of 14. At 20 chances slimmed. She was also tainted. She was scared her mate would find out and reject her. Whilst most of her family believed that she had turned to violence out of anger for her father she had other reasons. Her long time best friend Loin was the main motive. After comforting her in a time of need when suffering from the loss of her father he took advantage and abused her. Due to him being the Alphas son she hadn't told anyone in her family. Despite now being able to kill him easily, she was worried for her brothers. They would of been enraged and she wouldn't have them being hurt because she couldn't protect herself. It was her fault not theirs. She was better now, stronger.

Sighing Loyce looked through her closet and threw on some gym shorts, an oversized tee, finishing with some white socks and new balance.

She was going for a jog. Her wolf had been restless for two days due to the presence of a new Alpha on her land in meetings with her own Alpha. During this time Alpha Dean had refused to allow her to shift knowing that her wolf tended to take too much control and start futile fights with people she had heard challenging her power previously. A jog it was.

Heading into the town 2 miles away she slowed her jog, barely breaking a sweat and began to walk looking for somewhere to grab breakfast. The town always smelled amazing and today was no different. The variety of coffee shops and cafes, pastry shops, stalls and restaurants was enough to make anyone's mouth water. Her wolf was still antsy, not happy at the bustling environment around her, she preferred the tranquility of the woods. Maia was a strong wolf, smaller in stature yet exceptionally skilled in fighting, her height often seen as a weakness when in reality was one of her biggest strengths. She was an unusual wolf, looking something similar to a Dalmatian with multiple colours. Patterns weren't common with wolves, especially she wolves but Loyce loved Maia exactly as she was as Maia loved Loyce.

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