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"Reginam meam arcesso et ingrediar in lucam," I spat, my hands clenched into fists as i knelt under the moonlight. How could she be so cruel. The torture I endured alongside Archander and then to lose him should have been enough. Then she allowed my mate to be abused in similar ways as to I had. A cold hearted bitch. Since rediscovering my past, memories and visions had plagued my mind, being a young boy with my brother, running around and play fighting, a land more gorgeous than any mortal would ever be able to experience. Little wings pushing us into the air as we chased each other and flew round the picturesque city that once was my home. Our older brothers laughing at our smaller forms and only intervening when someone became too rough. Dreaming of a time when my life was simple, a time before she allowed our downfall, a time before she recreated me and my brother and allowed harm to come to us and my mate. My brothers mate who would never find him and would die at a young age, her wolf lost to the desperation of finding their mate which would consume them slowly.

I hated her. Since I learnt and started to remember I had refused to call upon her. I often felt a tugging at my mind, her slowly encouraging me to speak to her and I always refused. She had no right. She was not my mother, my mother was dead. My mother would never allow her son to be killed and her children to be treated so dreadfully.

A bright light illuminated me, my surroundings feeling further away, despite still being able to make out the black metallic swirls of the balcony I stood upon.

"Arles," a gentle, sickly sweet voice rang out. Standing I turned to look at the voice. She was certainly our mother. Archander was the picture of her and despite us being very similar, it was clear he took greatly after her. A small pang of sadness struck my heart, would never know of his history. Maybe he did, maybe he was with her, maybe she wasn't all evil.

"Selene," I spoke firmly, standing taller. She was a small woman but her aura radiated strength, looking at her you would see a picture of innocence. I knew better than that. She flinched, whether that be me using her name so formally and instead of mother or my tone I don't know but it brought me a flight of satisfaction.

"It's very nice to see you Arles, I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. My handsome boy finally back in front of me," she smiled, tears brimming her eyes. I couldn't fall for it. How could she be happy to see her son after she let that monster murder her other son. From what he remembered of his past life, Archander was the favourite, despite them all being treated equally, she had a soft spot for the quieter more innocent boy and yet she still allowed him to be murdered when she could have intervened quite easily.

"I had hoped not to have to stand before you again Selene however I let my rage get the best of me," I grunted watching her fight the tears in her eyes.

"I understand you are upset my dear but-"

"Upset!" I cried, my hands clenching again. The nerve of this woman. "Upset doesn't begin to cover it mother,"

"I'm outraged. To call me your son is delusional, I will never be your son. You allowed your son to be murdered and in the process you killed me and our relationship with it and then i find out you allowed my mate to be touched. Taken of her innocence after losing her father. You could have stopped it. I remember all about you intervening when necessary to help your precious children but you allowed her to slip through your fingers. After everything you put me and Archander through I thought you would have had the decency to protect my soul mate." I breathed out, allowing my anger to flow through my words, her lack of reaction only angering me further.

She sighed. Fucking sighed.

"Arles please let me speak," she said shifting to take a seat on the floor. Crossing her dress covered legs and leaning back slightly to look up at me. "Sit." She almost commanded but held her tone slightly. Grunting I agreed reluctantly although I'm sure my wolf had more say in me doing so. He still longed for his mother and creator.

The FourOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora