Don't Forget About Me . . .

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"Jamie, wait up" Daisy shouted from a mile away, gee she has a loud voice! I stopped walking turned around and huffed. This girl is always late! "Daise hurry up, man you are always late!" I speak trying to sound upset, to which failed. "C'mon you loooove me" Daisy says in a sing song voice dragging out the 'o' in love, " I hate to admit it but I do....but we still need to get to work on time!" I say then head off striding towards to work. Daisy and I got jobs at the local café down the road and we are running late for our shifts, and our boss is not nice at all all she cares about is her money. As we walk through the door the bell chimes signalling we had arrived. "Your late" Monica our boss states while having a disappointed look on her face. "Only by 2 minutes though" I reply back not wanting us to get into trouble for just 2 short minutes. "and your wasting more time arguing with me...GET TO WORK!" Monica shouts causing all the customers to turn their heads to our direction. Daisy and I quickly shuffle to the back and put our aprons on then start our shift. This is going to be a long day ahead of us.

After dreadful work had finished we ran back to our houses. I started to feel queasy and needed to sit down, so I made a bee line straight to the couch and lied down on it, " Hey Jame, you feeling okay?" Daisy questioned sensing something was up, yeah I just felt dizzy but I'm resting now" I replied with my head pounding, with my response Daisy walked out of the lounge and came back with medicine and water. She is the bestest friend I could ever ask for, "thanks" I said to her and took the medicine and water from her and took them then drank the water. I put the empty glass on the table. Daisy then sat down and my vision started to blur, what was happening, I saw daisy's mouth moving but I couldn't hear anything daisy started to wave her hand in front of her face the last thing I saw was her on the phone then everything went black.

Beep, beep, beep, beep

What is that noise? It sounds like a heart monitor, where am I? I try to open my eyes but they seem stuck, am I in a hospital? What happened before I got here? Think Jamie think! All the memories from me passing out come rushing to me, how did I get here? I really need to open my eyes, after lots of trying I finally succeeded, my vision finally focus and now I can see I am indeed in a hospital, I see Daisy sitting across from my bed, she looks up at me and I smile but then I see she has red puffy eyes, she has been crying. "Daise whats wrong, and why am I here?" Daisy sniffles before speaking, "you passed out Jame, I called the ambulance and they brought you here for emergency testing they said that" Daisy informs me but then stops and starts to cry. "What did they say daise?" I ask pushing her to continue. "T-They said that, you have a heart failure and that you only have 24 hours left" Daisy breaks out onto full out crying. WHAT?! This cant be, I'm only 18 why me? What did I do to deserve this? Tears start leaking out of my eyes, I haven't done anything yet, I haven't had a family I haven't even gone to uni and I have a heart failure. "What?" I said shocked. "They said that they have to look for heart donors but its quite difficult as there are not willing people to give away their hearts" daisy said. From this moment on I kept quiet through out the day. That is until they rushed me into a surgery room but not before Daisy said "you were the bestest friend I could ever ask for, don't forget about me, goodbye" and with that I was dragged out of the room. What did she mean by 'goodbye'? Am I dying now? But it hasn't been 24 hours, before I could put much thought into it I was put into a dreamless sleep by the gas mask. Goodbye world.

Beep beep beep

That noise is so annoying, and why cant I even open my eyes? Wait why am I still alive? Shouldn't I be dead? I peal my eyelids open to see a nurse in my room. "Ahh Jamie your awake!" The nurse says her voice filled with joy, I ignore her and look around the room, where is Daisy? Maybe she left for 5 mins " would you know where daisy might be?" I ask the nurse. Her face suddenly turn to sadness. "You didn't hear? Who do you think gave you the heart?" The nurse says her voice full of sadness. Wait what!!? Daisy she...gave me...her? Heart.... I cant believe it. I start to shake then the water works start, I cant believe she gave up her life for me, the room is filled with my sobs. I look up and say "why Daisy, why did you do this for me? I don't deserve that!" And continue to cry.

10 years later this story was passed through generation to generation making history, Daisy will never be forgotten for the thing she had done to save her friends life, the world has changed for the better and that was all because of what Daisy had done.

The End.

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