A not-so-quick recovery

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When he left, i ran home asap. Mugman looked at me with a concerned look. Wait was it him? yes it was. I'm just glad you're okay. Yeah. i just winged it. 

Cuphead, this is why elder kettle doesn't want us to leave the house. Shut up. I don't want to listen to another lecture. Okay jeez. I just glared at him. I'm going back to bed. 

Wait Cuphead! Yes? I found a letter for you in the mail. It's from chalice i think. Huh. Now why would she send me mail? I don't know. It worries me. oh calm down mugsy. she's probably fine.

Okay.. I went upstairs and just threw the letter on the nightstand and layed in my bed. But i couldn't sleep. I stood up and looked at the letter. I slowly picked it up. But after i did so, All my mistakes flashed in front of me.

I dropped it and started to suddenly cry. Stop...STOP....StOp!!! The images kept on repeating in my mind. I puked. and that's when mugman burst through the door to help me. Luckily, the letter was fine.

The Legend of Cuphead and Ms.ChaliceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ