A way to enjoy life

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Hey Cuphead? What? i asked.  A new theme park opened up and-  No mugman, I won't go with you. but- NO. Mugman, get a life. I was suggesting you and chalice go there! oh. sorry mugman

It's fine. Just wanted to let you know. *5 minutes later* *cuphead on the phone* alright! see you there! See ya! she said. When i got there, chalice was standing in the entrance. it's not polite to keep a girl waiting you know.She joked.

Later, chalice turned to me and said: how's mugs doing? i haven't seen him in a while. He's good. why? well, he's your brother, and my best friend so aren't i aloud to ask?

Nevermind. i said. so then we just talked and talked until it was dark. It was quite a way to enjoy life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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