prolouge 2006

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Ethan james dino thunder blue had just married the love of his life arabella but that was shortlived now arabella was lying dead in his arms his team was surprised by the events that occured in hayley's cyber cafe a place where the team hung out connor McKnight knew what needed to be done he looked over at his wife Cassidy Cornell -mcknight and said if that were you I would be the same way ethan knew messgog would pay he had to pay for this arabella had been a pawn like luthor had once been but now his new wife was dead and he wanted revenge trent asked gabrielle his wife should he turn on his dad she said you saw what he did bella is dead and ethan is a wreck Tommy knew what had to be done and it didn't involve becoming a sitting duck he called his best friend jason Scott and his wife trini jason knew that inorder to do what had to be done every team would be called up to spd the current team mystic force would stay in briarwood unless they were needed which Tommy though was a good idea he worked with jack landors and his replacement sky tate he knew the spd team was good and had dealt with messgog too maybe shane clarke and ninja storm could help too jason had met connor once and he told team dino thunder dino rangers stick together
Years later

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