chapter seven

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Tommy said remember what I said at shelby's service its me he is after Kimberly said im scared for you and our children Jason said we will be on our guard tonight at the ceremony Tommy said our son , your daughter , ashley's daughter they are signing up to deal with this monster Ashley said we can handle him if we were together Tommy jason said ash is right Minh , Erik , emma and Charlotte they can all handle this Tommy said you are right kendrix said ivan ooze is being traced in the event he is working with messgog and drakkon divatox said he is trying to either recruit or kill the ones that don't join him Kimberly wanted to cry for zedd but she though it was silly but once he brainwashed her to love him already so much blood shed this war was just getting started once back on the ship Sydney kept looking at lucas kendall as if he were the one she wanted sky had demorphed and hit the showers he was going to get ready for the ceremony Sydney told lucas its getting harder for me to keep my distance from you sky will soon catch on lucas said i never though I would never love again after nadria and I Sydney said im married sky has no one else lucas said he had been hanging around tenaya 7 Sydney said they are just friends lucas said marry me as soon as you can get away from him Sydney said after the ceremony im breaking up with him lucas said okay the papers you wanted Leo says they are drawn up Sydney wasn't mrs tate any longer she had divorced him without him knowing it made her feel bad to a point seeing all of the other couples here still with thier partners things with sky had been fine until she met lucas and realized it was him she loved not the husband who she fought along side even now as his ex wife tenaya wore her ranger color along side her brother dillon sister in law summer Scott and the rest of the team ziggy and dr k were here too she remembered her own ceremony when dr k gave her the ranger operator series pink morpher and her brother smiling the whole time she married chase soon after now they were settling thier divorce all she had was dillon and his wife summer her budding friendship with sky but she knew he was married she met up with kendrix and karone karone she respected they had a lot in common both taken from thier family now pink rangers Dr k had a can of alphabet soup ziggy asked where you playing with that again dr k said no honey Billy told his son Morgan im proud of you for following in my footsteps of course if you were flipping burgers with ernie I would still be a proud dad morgan said about that I am gay dad and I am in love with thomas collins thomas looked over at him his brother oliver was becoming the blue animal force ranger in a matter of moments Billy said im proud of you son for telling me I love you anyway charlotte met up with tenaya and kira ford park kira was going to find Minh charlotte picked her aunt karone for the ceremony tenaya gave her a pep talk the omega 6 team was being swore in today as well tenaya said from one pink ranger to another welcome aboard charlotte said thanks mrs Randall tenaya said please call me either tenaya or cora my real name Charlotte said okay tenaya willow chose her dad to present her oliver chose max , Minh chose kira fred chose Tommy Liam chose his dad cole Liam went first cole said the day you were born was the happiest day of my life the day I married fiona was the second happiest day today is third my son becoming a ranger urmasa is yours now my son Liam richard evans Liam said I accept my place as animal force red oliver was next max said as the blue shark it's my pleasure to welcome another blue shark max presented oliver with his dad wes's time force morpher oliver said I accept my place as animal force blue Tommy said finding out I have a son was a shock but now both of my kids are rangers too I fought with saba many years ago now I give him to you Erik Samuel hart oliver Erik said I accept my place as animal force green karone said my beautiful niece I can't believe you want to be like me your dad gave me this when we were kids I had one made for you he threw in his glider but I wanted you to have this Charlotte lee hammond Charlotte said thank you aunt karone karone gave her a locket with a family picture of andros , Ashley , charlotte and herself from Ashley and andros 20th annversey party kira said as the last dino yellow female ranger I welcome you Minh jade kwan Scott into our family I had one made for you its a dino gem your mom has one I have one and now you too too Minh said thanks aunt k kira had been a mentor for Minh divatox said mr skittles has the floor again hit it up dr rainbow Tommy said back in 1995 I had the pleasure of teaching a martial Arts class one of the kids in that class held on to every word I said when we fought ivan ooze fred , bulk and skull helped us that young man was named fred kellerman he came to help us and even wanted to help form animal force after the battle with ivan was won fred came up to our team my now wife Kimberly and I he told us how he was going to be the gold ranger well fred that today is today 

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