chapter four

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Tyler , chase and Phillip went after drakkon while koda and the girls kept firing Shelby stopped moving her lifeless body hit the ground on the steps of the Museum she demorphed instantly drakkon said im not done with you rangers yet and vanished into thin air tyler and the team powered down too as tyler raced to his wife 's side tyler knew something was happening and it wasn't good Shelby told him avenge we we did our best to stop him tyler said no don't go Shelby said I will see you again Shelby then closed her eyes as her pink energem faded out tyler knew his life had changed his wife was dead tenaya got over to chase he reached out for her hand as did gemma and koda tyler picked up Shelby's body he said request for teleport jason said come aboard mr Navarro Shelby was dead and tyler was a mess they all were even gemma and tenaya who married into the team messgog sent drakkon it was time for Tommy to confess truth james told the dino charge team my son needs time koda said we give tyler time jake holling said things have changed so much gia said even when we were married to now with Shelby being gone jake said what do they find a new ranger or gia said em has the engerem with her mr Navarro just gave it to her wes collins got a report of trouble in sliver hills where he and jen lived it was ransik someone had attacked him lucas kendall time force blue knew the name well he was once engaged to ransik's daughter nadria who had left him at the altar lucas teleported down with his team wes said no one is around trip said I see some grinders trip and his wife katie went over to start fighting the rpm foot soliders while wes , lucas and jen went to see about ransik lucas said I never blamed you for what nadira did to me sir I cared a great deal for you still do wes said im sorry ransik but who did this to you ransik said weakly drakkon Jen said he killed Shelby watkins too tyler Navarro said Wes said they are sending a message lucas said first Shelby now ransik ransik said he told me to inform you a war is coming this is your warning ransik then died lucas said go in peace wes said i get why he attacked Shelby she was a ranger I don't like it but it made sense why ransik he was our enemy while we were active lucas said think about it I was engaged to nadria what if he knows that too Jen said she could be working with him and messgog trip chimed in to Billy he said we need to track nadria's whereabouts her father just died Billy said okay lucas had a feeling he sort of knew where she might be he told wes I will be back I have a feeling I know where she is wes lucas went down to the spot he proposed to nadria back in 2001 he knew she could be here and how right he was nadria said I hoped to see you again luke lucas said your father is dead he warned us about a war coming are you working with messgog nadria said no I dont know messgog or drakkon just of them my father was a villian you know lucas said I dont hate you for what happened between us all those years ago I did love you and I never got over what happened nadria said I see you sometimes in the papers at your races I wonder what kind of life we would have had lucas said a good one the best life I could have ever dreamed of you broke my heart and me nadria I'm sorry about your dad but I can't deal with you again lucas said dont follow me nadria knew what she did was wrong he loved her and she hurt him lucas told wes she claims she isn't working for messgog wes said she will be under surveillance for a while Billy informed me lucas said she claims she still loves me but im not buying it wes said if she did you would be married now lucas said you are right wes wes knew nadria couldn't be trusted even before she broke lucas' heart ransik had made amends for his actions but nadira hadn't Shelby and ransik were both dead chase told tenaya he needed some time alone she said okay knowing chase would be with his team mourning thier fallen friend tenaya sat down in the ship's cafe where bulk worked when sky tate walked in his wife Sydney was coming in later sky saw her alone he walked over and said im sky and you are tenaya said im tenaya said im tenaya but my real name is cora Randall im married to dino charge black chase randall sky said ive heard of your husband but im more curious about you mrs Randall tenaya said I am also a pink ranger for rpm sky said that is one of the best teams here besides my own im spd blue by the way tenaya said I will remember that sky said I look forward to seeing you around mrs randall tenaya though syd is a lucky girl just then a young man teleported onto the ship he said his name was Erik Samuel he wanted to speak to Tommy and Kimberly as well as emma saying he was emma's brother Kimberly told Tommy and emma when I left for Florida after what happened with the balance beam I found out about Erik once in Florida I had him I gave him up for adoption we were too young and you were still a ranger Tommy said still I had a right to know

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