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Royals (Heroes of Olympus Style)

Hazel: I pull out diamonds in with my flesh,

Frank: I try to keep my stick from burning to ash,

Percy: and I'm not proud of leaving Bob,

Annabeth: in a torn - up world, all quests are crazy,

Leo: but every song's like roman, graecus, Gaea and her forces,

Jason: bloodstains, flying, switching up my choices,

Piper: we don't care. I'm stealing Cadillacs cause I can.

Nico: but everybody's like two camps, death spots, rising the dead romans,

Reyna: coming solo, just to meet with Jason,

Piper: we don't care, we just want the Parthenon out of here.

Percy: and I'll never be a loser (loser), sassy runs in my blood.

Everyone: ...

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